dunbots wrote:
I am embarrassed about neither what my interests are or how intense they are. My interest is learning languages, and many people think it's weird (because they are unintelligent and think being intelligent is a bad thing), but I don't give a sh** what they think about it.

My obsessions are never as useful or as impressive as something like languages and music theory. I'm still not exactly embarrassed by what they are.
No offence to Cockney Rebel (I
really don't mean this as a dig at her because I feel in this respect, we are very similar, apart from she seems more comfortable and positive with it), but I used to be as obsessed with The Kinks as she is. It was intense to the point of wanting to dress like a Kink and learning the dates on which they recorded such and such a song, and wanting to name any son I'd have Ray. I still think The Kinks are awesome and I'm not embarrassed that I liked them, just by the way my fixations on things goes way beyond normal.
I didn't talk about them that much, but I was thinking about them all the time.
I can feel it happening all over again with my Lou Reed obsession. Arrrrrgh! He could record the telephone book and I think I'd buy it

(That said, he has recorded weirder things than that).
My less intense interests are usually more 'intellectual' and I kind of wish I could be obsessed with something like zoology or Chinese art, rather than just 'interested' in them
Zombies, zombies will tear us apart...again.
Last edited by puddingmouse on 04 May 2011, 7:40 pm, edited 4 times in total.