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Are you embarrassed by them?
I'm more embarrassed by what they are 12%  12%  [ 7 ]
I'm embarrassed by how intense they are 15%  15%  [ 9 ]
I'm embarrassed by what they are AND how intense 8%  8%  [ 5 ]
I'm not embarrassed at all 65%  65%  [ 39 ]
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04 May 2011, 6:47 pm

Are you embarrassed by what they are, or are you more embarrassed by how intense they can get?

Neither? Both?

I fall more into the category of being embarrassed by the intensity. All my obsessions have been fairly age-appropriate and not that weird...but obsessions they have been. :(

I have some interests that I know quite a bit about, but they're not exactly obsessions. I tend to talk more about my interests because I'm not embarrassed by them like I am with my obsessions.

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04 May 2011, 6:51 pm

I am embarrassed about neither what my interests are or how intense they are. My interest is learning languages, and many people think it's weird (because they are unintelligent and think being intelligent is a bad thing), but I don't give a s**t what they think about it. :P


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04 May 2011, 7:13 pm

dunbots wrote:
I am embarrassed about neither what my interests are or how intense they are. My interest is learning languages, and many people think it's weird (because they are unintelligent and think being intelligent is a bad thing), but I don't give a sh** what they think about it. :P

My obsessions are never as useful or as impressive as something like languages and music theory. I'm still not exactly embarrassed by what they are.

No offence to Cockney Rebel (I really don't mean this as a dig at her because I feel in this respect, we are very similar, apart from she seems more comfortable and positive with it), but I used to be as obsessed with The Kinks as she is. It was intense to the point of wanting to dress like a Kink and learning the dates on which they recorded such and such a song, and wanting to name any son I'd have Ray. I still think The Kinks are awesome and I'm not embarrassed that I liked them, just by the way my fixations on things goes way beyond normal.

I didn't talk about them that much, but I was thinking about them all the time.

I can feel it happening all over again with my Lou Reed obsession. Arrrrrgh! He could record the telephone book and I think I'd buy it 8O (That said, he has recorded weirder things than that).

My less intense interests are usually more 'intellectual' and I kind of wish I could be obsessed with something like zoology or Chinese art, rather than just 'interested' in them :lol:

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04 May 2011, 7:18 pm

It depends on the obsession, but I voted intensity.

My obsession with computer science has done a lot of great things for my life. However, I have to hide it so that I don't appear hubristic.

My obsession with video games is a different matter entirely. These I hide because they're not always age appropriate (Lego Harry Potter, Runescape... :oops: ).

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04 May 2011, 7:24 pm

It depends for me as well.

I don't mind sharing my obsession with digital painting, except in cases where people might think that because I'm obsessed I must be really good. Because I'm not. :lol:

Others though, I'm not sure why I don't like to share them. I guess I take them pretty seriously and would be hurt if anyone made of it/me?


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04 May 2011, 7:28 pm

I prefer to call them my passions. I usually only have one passion running at a time but at the moment I have developed several new ones so presently my passions are Sequin Art, Palaeontology (new) and geology (new). Such is my love of my newest passions (which used to be minor interests) I want to study them! Until I find a course that is financially viable for me to take though, I have to settle for watching and listening to palaeontology and geology documentaries whilst I do my sequin art instead.

I personally don't consider myself to be obsessed and will talk openly about them even though others seem to think I am obsessive in regards to them. As I said I just consider myself to be very passionate.

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04 May 2011, 7:37 pm

I prefer it that people don't know of my obsessions. I mean, in some ways, if people knew what I was interested in I would have something to talk about, but I just don't like people knowing a lot about me. I prefer to be that guy that doesn't talk much rather than that weird guy who is obsessed with a handful of topics. It's not that I'm embarrassed by what my interests are, because they're not too strange and they could prove to be excellent career opportunities, but I don't want people to know about me. It makes me uncomfortable having people know me when I hardly know them. If somebody asks me what my interests are and I don't know them, I would say that I don't have any. But if they start talking about themselves first, and if they were to bring up a topic of interest, I would have no problem admitting that I have the same interest. I guess for me it's just more of a matter of introversion really.

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04 May 2011, 7:41 pm

I'm not telling what my obsession is! :D


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04 May 2011, 7:52 pm

bee33 wrote:
I'm not telling what my obsession is! :D

*Blackmails bee*

Don't worry, I won't tell :wink:

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04 May 2011, 7:54 pm

Neither option in the poll works for me: until I was about 13 or 14, I had no inhibitions or embarrassments about my obsessions but afterwards, it really depended on the situation. I wouldn't say that I'm currently "embarrassed" by my obsessions or their intensities but I also wouldn't say I'm not embarrassed at all or still talk about them freely to everyone I meet as I did when I was back in middle school. I have been known to overtalk about my interests to my friends though.

For myself, I'd create the option: "I'm somewhat embarrassed about my obsessions and their intensities when around strangers or new people but an still apt to yap about them freely to friends and families.

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04 May 2011, 7:59 pm

I'm not embarrassed, though a lot of people think my current special interest is 'stupid' 'new age' 'bull s**t' etc.

I'm into Astrology.

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Tufted Titmouse
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04 May 2011, 8:24 pm

Im somewhat embarrased by the intensity of my obsessions, some might want to keep private for various reasons, not very outward towards people either and don't just up an offer informations about myself to them.

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04 May 2011, 9:01 pm

I'm not embarrassed - I embarrass others with my obsessions (menstruation and sexual health).


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04 May 2011, 10:38 pm

Although it may not seem like it online, in real life I'm embarrassed by my Helena Bonham Carter obsession because of its intensity. I like to collect magazine clippings of her and watch DVDs of films where she is one of the leads. And now I even have a doll of her! I'm always worried that people are going to label me a stalker, so I try not to talk about it to anyone outside of my parents and brother.

I'm also embarrassed that I'm a woman who is obsessed with another woman. I've been questioning my sexuality since I was 9 years old. I tried coming out when I was a teenager, but that did not go over well with my family, so I have spent the past several years trying to convince them that I am actually straight and I was "just confused back then". It worked for awhile, but my Helena obsession is probably blatant evidence that I am just lying about that, especially since it's obvious that I'm not interested in her as a fashion icon as many other female Helena fans are.


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04 May 2011, 11:02 pm

Moog wrote:
I'm not embarrassed, though a lot of people think my current special interest is 'stupid' 'new age' 'bull sh**' etc.

I'm into Astrology.

Eh... do not fret it. People think I am a satan worshiper for mine... currently I am into voudou. Back when I was all into numerology, people thought that was new age b.s. as well. Tell you what though, there is something to that stuff.

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04 May 2011, 11:36 pm

Moog wrote:
I'm into Astrology.

Like the zodiac?

I'm embarrassed by both I guess. I won't really actually talk about my obsessions but I will write about them. (I even have something I call a BLABBER JOURNAL just to write about them) To someone I trust more than others or to someone who is interested in the same thing. For example, I have a shared journal thing with my mom (It's cause she works 12 hours and so we don't see each other a whole lot) and I was in one of my rambly moods and I took up three entire pages writing about my current obsession. She responded to it and her response pleased me so I may do that again.

I'll sometimes mention something from my previous and current obsessions sometimes. But I won't really talk about them to someone unless they started talking about it. Wait, I have ONE obsession which I will talk about openly with people. That's Alvin And The Chipmunks. (Mainly for their first movie The Chipmunk Adventure) <3 Probably because I've been in love with them ever since I saw their movie when I was like 4.

Anyway, my obsessions are kind of odd I guess so I think that might be a reason of why I'm embarrassed about them. Or at least my current one is. A story about a bunch of 13 year old kids playing a game that changes their lives forever and most of those kids are aliens and those alien kids all have weird names. (I'm embarrassed to actually say their names out loud) Then there's exactly how much I am completely in love with them. I know waaay too much about them off the top of my head and spend so much time indulging in them and I can write for ages just about how much I love them. And my current obsession has gotten me to do or want to do many things. Like draw the characters and even draw one just to put it up on my wall.

The other terms for obsessions bother me. Like I read my mom's book about how to raise a kid with Asperger's and in it it called them "passions". Ugh, that just doesn't sound quite right. And then some people here call them "special interests". This isn't as annoying but it still doesn't sound quite right. (Sorry for this long post)