Kimmy wrote:
Sometimes when I'm remembering something, If its an embarrassing or uncomfortable memory My face will contort into a grimace or a similar look of disgust. Since this happen at any time of the day, an onlooker would see me just randomly make a face at nothing in particular. I don't think anyone has noticed this habit of mine yet, but I don't want to keep doing this. What if someone is taking a picture as I make a face, or it happens at an important event?
This happens very often for me, and I cannot control my expression easily, and will sometimes clench my fist and/or jaw while remembering. Fewer times i have hit my head against something, but after hurting myself I have been more careful and controlled.
Once or twice I have been seen and asked if I was alright.
People think I am just overreacting, but it is involuntary.