Having been diagnosed as AS about a year ago, I have been reading about it quite a bit. Although I don't know if I believe I am AS (or if AS is just something we'll find out is part of something else 50 years from now) I am wondering about something I read.
In the book "Pretending To Be Normal" by Liane Holliday Willey and Tony Attwood, Liane makes a mention of echolalia where instead of referring to it as the repetition of words she defines it as a mimicry of people she meets, molding herself to talk and act like them when around them.
Does she have it wrong or are all the definitions I have found wrong or at least incomplete?
I find that I have done this all my life. I have always been someone who has found the greatest joy from imitating not only skits and characters from various television shows (monty python, sctv, snl) but have also managed to get imitations of people I know down pat, to the point of fooling others on the phone and having kids beg me to "do the teacher" when I was in k-12. Heck, I've even had experiences where I have turned heads in public places, seeing people smile at the recognition. I may sound like I am boasting, but people consistently tell me this is true. Maybe if I become more familiar/comfortable with this community I'll upload a video or audio file, heh.
What I have found to be true that most people haven't told me (maybe don't see it, maybe do but don't want to address it) but I know to be true is that I have often imitated people's outlooks, moods, and mannerisms when meeting them, just as Liane stated that she did (and apparently still does-her AS daughter yells at her when she sees/hears her mom do it, heh). I will add that perhaps this is some form of insecurity-I had to move a lot as a child and teen and was continously put in situations where I had to make new friends, so go figure.
So has anyone else done this and if not echolalia then what? And after what, is this an AS sympton/characteristic?
Thanks ahead of time.