Really great game, 30 dollars, computer not included, people make plenty of good mods, about 1/20 of the mods are actually good and worth looking at, but then again there are over 3000 mods(modifications, also known as plugins) so that would leave you with over 150 of them worth looking at, you also have the option to create modifications yourself, since the very tools they used to create the game, modeller not included(cost 3000 freakin dollars) but sure enough it has everything else, down to the very scripting, you can even add functions, but whatever you do you had better NOT get the X-Box version, without the mods, the game would blow bubbles, and believe it or not people have made things from auto-matic potion makers and users, to dogs and sliding walls, a must to have, the website of the company that links to many fan-sites with plug-ins is