I would possibly consider myself to be an extroverted aspie.
I do enjoy social situations - I'm neither anti-social nor do I feel drained in social situations as some people on the spectrum can, I get bored and feel isolated when I don't get regular social interaction, even if I don't 'get' how to join-in with others I just like being around them, and I want to make friends even if I'm socially awkward. Most of my friends would tell you I'm talkative, fun, confident and enthusiastic (among some other less favourable labels such as bossy, loud and opinionated), and I like to share experiences. I am also capable of odd busts of unexpected behaviour whether for attention or to encourage others.
I'm still socially awkward, some of my busts of wacky behaviour are ill-advised, some of my behaviour can make me seem strange (being quiet in many situations, very loud and chatty in others), and there will still always be occasions when I have the classic fight or flight reaction to a new situation, environment or person, there are some things I cannot do, and I sometimes struggle to start talking to begin with...but once I do get talking, it's a different matter
I am opposed to the idea that all extroverted aspies must be rejected when trying to make friends, it sounds like a very sad existence and I believe I have seen such an example in the past...the person I'm thinking of does stand-up comedy, dances when he goes out, invites himself to parties, and latches onto groups when he's out, he has no idea how people mock/pitty him, thankfully. I'd say I function in such a way that I don't bother people or make myself a target...I'm aspie, but I can be extroverted without being a sad case.
Good-looking girls break hearts, and goodhearted girls mend them.
Last edited by Bloodheart on 02 Jun 2011, 8:00 pm, edited 2 times in total.