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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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05 Jun 2011, 5:07 pm

Hey, my name is josh and i am a 15 yr old homosexual who was diagnosed with AS when i was 12. No one in my family and none of my friends know im a homosexual. And i know that the day will come when i will need to as they say"come out of the closet". I was wondering what your advice would be on how to admit being gay, and what to expect after i do. Im worried my friends will completely shun me, and i know my family will try to understand but something tells me it wont be easy.


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05 Jun 2011, 6:54 pm

Do a Google search for coming out advice and start reading like crazy.


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05 Jun 2011, 7:09 pm

I would step away first and talk to people who can't ruin my life. Like you're doing right now. Work through as much as you can before you do something that you can't undo. For now, you are financially dependent on the family and stuck with the school. Think it through long and hard, and talk it out.
Now that you mention it, there should be a forum or sub-forum for people who are both gay and AS. An in-person support group would be better, but I doubt that any exist.


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05 Jun 2011, 7:11 pm

I need help coming out too, if no one minds the advice.


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05 Jun 2011, 7:15 pm

Now that you mention it, there should be a forum or sub-forum for people who are both gay and AS.

Isn't that what this forum is?

LGBT Discussion
Are you a lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender autistic? Discuss issues related to autism and being LGBTQ in this forum.


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05 Jun 2011, 7:30 pm

Jory wrote:
Now that you mention it, there should be a forum or sub-forum for people who are both gay and AS.

Isn't that what this forum is?

LGBT Discussion
Are you a lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender autistic? Discuss issues related to autism and being LGBTQ in this forum.

Where did you see that? :P


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05 Jun 2011, 8:46 pm

Well, think about people who you know are all right with gays. I knew my parents are, so they were the first I came out to. I asked my Mom to tell my uncle (also gay) next time she was talking to him (he lives about 600 miles away, so I wouldn't be able to see him to tell him in person). Basically I just told my Mom one day while we were driving home from school that I'm gay. It was horrible to do--it felt like I was jumping off a cliff. But it all worked out fine. She told my Dad, because I hate talking to people about it (I'm uncomfortable with sexuality--always have been).

I don't know what your friends are like. All of my close friends are very open minded about such things, so I know it won't be a problem when I actually tell them. But I've yet to find an opportunity to do so and, as I say, I hate talking to anyone about it. Maybe test the waters a bit with your friends first. If you talk about politics or current issues, bring up gay marriage and see how they react. Or something like that.

The other thing is to just change your status on Facebook and delete the notification it sends out. If anyone bothers to look at your profile they'll see that you're gay. That's what I've done. But you might want to tell your parents before you do that.

I think the most important thing is to start by finding someone that you trust and that you know is not homophobic, and tell them first.

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05 Jun 2011, 8:54 pm

Well I think you should come out when you feel ready, only you know when the time is right. What are your parents views on LGBT people? I wouldn't recommend coming out to them while still dependent on them if they are really homophobic. Don't worry if your friends reject you when you come out to them because it really shows you who your true friends are and also because some people need time to accept that part of you, I know its painful when it happens (I know from experience) but give it a little bit of time the hurt will go away.


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07 Jun 2011, 11:30 am

Coming out is different for everyone. You family, your friends and your colleagues are unique to you, and only you can decide when and how to share this information with them.

For what it's worth, here are a few random thoughts:

1. Coming out is a one way street. Once you're out, you're out. So it's a good idea to wait until you know that you are ready to be out, and that you will have the support of family and friends.

2. Coming out is not a single step. Some people tell friends first, others tell siblings first, still others tell parents first. But for most people it happens by degrees. If you aren't ready to have the conversation with your parents, then by all means wait.

3. Coming out is a positive experience. You are full of anxiety and you are doubtless stressing out. But coming out is an affirmation of who you are. To my mind you don't "admit" to being gay, you share something important about yourself. That's not to say that it will be a jolly time--some friends or family might react badly, at least initially. But it is always better that they know than not.


Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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09 Jun 2011, 8:48 pm

Thank you all so much for your help. this is a really tough situation for me and your support means the world to me. Ive npoticvec most of you have said tell someone you can trust who is not homophobic, well, im afraid everyone i know is sord of against homosexuality. My mother loves me dearly and is very open minded about things, in fact a loty more than anyone else i live with. but even she may have difficulty accepting me. As for my dad, well, he is closed minded and i dont know how he will react. i live in a rural area of Pa surrounded by corn and rednecks who i think beat up gays, so where i live at now is a horrible place to come clean. But i will come clean when im out of the house and living in a more socially accepted area, and i can tell anyone in my family or any of my friends who has a prob with me being gay to F#@ OFF!! ! lol that will be fun to do! Thank you all, youve all been great help!