I know someone who's really clueless in real life. This girl lives in an an apartment building across the street from my complex to the right. She called herself my friend a couple of summers ago. She dresses in a provocative manner and when an older man looks at her chest and makes a comment about it, she tells him to F-off. She also brushes her teeth every time she leaves her apartment, in case she meets a man.
She has two dogs. Actually, their more like rats. She doesn't take them out for a walk as often as she should, because she sleeps all day. The dogs pee and poop on the carpet while she's sleeping and they bark nonstop when she's out. If she feels that her dogs are getting too fat, she underfeeds them. If she feels that her dogs are getting too thin, she overfeeds them. One time she asked me if it was safe for dogs to eat chocolate, because she fell asleep when she was eating chocolate covered almonds and her dogs got into them. Like the other times that she thinks her dogs are sick, she gave them warm milk to drink. You don't give milk to dogs.
She's also way behind on her chores. She has dirty dishes on her counter, she doesn't clean for months and she has 10 bags of laundry in her closet that need washing at any given time.
Yes, this is the same girl who phoned the ambulance to take me to emergency, because her answer about me was, "She's obsessed with The Kinks!". A month later, she ran over my calf muscle of my left leg twice in a row a month later when we were shopping at Real Canadian Superstore, partly because she wasn't paying attention and partly because she quit her job working at the same company that I do and was jealous I still had my job.
She wrote everybody off a year and a month ago and decided that she didn't want to be friends with Dean, Barb and I anymore and now she's trying to get back in to the group. The three of us won't let her back in, because of the things that she's done to hurt all three of us as individuals.
Do you know any people who are clueless like that?
The Family Enigma