Has anyone heard of Trauma center or Trauma team?

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Emu Egg
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19 Jun 2011, 6:30 pm

I'm a big fan of the seris but not a lot of people are, so I just wanna see if anyone else is. :?:


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19 Jun 2011, 7:40 pm

I played the first Trauma Center that was released on the Wii, but I got stuck on the bomb level. That game was really difficult.


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19 Jun 2011, 7:42 pm

Dex-wolf wrote:
I'm a big fan of the seris but not a lot of people are, so I just wanna see if anyone else is. :?:

Seeing as I own both Trauma Center: Under the Knife and Trauma Center: Second Opinion, I'd have to say that I'm a fan of the series. However, Atlus makes better games than those (MegaTen series sound familiar?).

Sea Gull
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19 Jun 2011, 7:49 pm

I've played all of them except for Trauma Team, and I've beat all of the ones I've played except for Under the Knife 2. I can't suggest the Wii ones as strongly as I can the DS ones because the Wii simply isn't capable of the precise and quick movements you need, and this is what makes things like the bomb level in Trauma Center: Second Opinion. It's still hard in the DS version, but it's not impossible. Also, I found the second Wii title impossible to beat single player. I don't see how anyone can do it alone. And it's still pretty hard with two people.

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Tufted Titmouse
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19 Jun 2011, 11:09 pm

I've played TC 1, 2, and second opinion. I'm yet to play trauma team or the other one on Wii (the name of which escapes me ATM). Needless to say, I love trauma center.


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25 Jun 2011, 2:03 am

I have and have played Trauma Center: Under the Knife for the DS, and Trauma Center: Second Opinion for the Wii. I also have Trauma Center: New Blood for the Wii, but I haven't played it, yet. Trauma Center: Under the Knife 2, for the DS, was never released in Europe, though, but I'll buy it on eBay or such, soon... Trauma Team, for the Wii, was never released, either, but I'll be getting it... and then, due to the region coding, I'll have to start using emulators that Nintendo are so outrageously against that paying people use for their bought games - apparently it's better that they never are played, at all.

The games are so difficult that they have managed to make me suicidal, though. Even still, I like them a lot... especially since they have an anime theme. That makes almost any game better.

Sea Gull
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25 Jun 2011, 7:27 pm

I'm thinking of picking one of the games up considering I enjoy Shin Megami Tensei and 3D Dot Game Heroes and the idea sounds interesting. Not one of my highest priorities, though.


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26 Jun 2011, 5:57 pm

Played the first game on the DS and loved it (beat even the X challenge levels). Haven't played the sequels, though. It's definitely not a series I'd like to play on the Wii.

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26 Jun 2011, 7:50 pm

I'm kind of awesome at it. Objectively awesome. As in XS on everything on Hard - for the first game at least (Second Opinion). That' including the extra hard missions where you fight the super strains - the kyraki (or however you spell it) one is my favorite.

Haven't spent as much time on the second two, so not as many XSs but I have won them both on hard - As, Bs, and Cs mostly.

I really only play the Wii ones - my little sister is boss at the ones for DS.



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27 Jun 2011, 10:42 am

Hell yes, Trauma Team got me into forensics and medical study. I think I have all the games except for TC: UTK. I'm a HUGE fan of the series.

I'd have beaten the games if I didn't go into panic attacks at the bomb levels and Alethia, work fast enough for the bullet in heart operation in New Blood, and First Response and Endoscopy weren't so freaking difficult. All the patients at once, vitals plummeting and insane injuries makes me freak out and the idea of shoving a camera up a patient's butt makes me yell "MAGICAL BUTT TUNNEL ADVENTURE!" and mess up.


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27 Jun 2011, 11:00 am
