Best computer hardware analysis
I have to spend a lot of time to choose a proper hardware. If somebody have already bought some hardware then it could be interesting for the others to know:
1. the category of hardware you wanted to buy
2. what preferences/criteria did you have (and have you used) in the process of making the decision
3. what model is the best in this category
4. why this model is the best (i.e. write here about its features)
Please give answers only if you made an exhaustive investigation about products in some category.
Thanks to this thread if I want to buy some hardware and I find a post with criteria similar to mine (the same second point), the only thing I will have to do will be reading the answer in point 3. I will save dozens of hours.
If you haven't made such a decision process but you want to discuss about whether this thread is a good or wrong idea please start a new thread and paste a link to it here (if you are the first person doing this).