The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
CHRONOOOOOOOS!! !! Where are you?! !! You will love this thread!!
He's the FIRST ONE!! YES, THE FIRST ONE!! A phenomena!! ! Yupeee!
Let's chant the hallelujah!
Lol, you crack me up. (OP, this is just a reference to a previous thread, sorry we're getting a little off-topic on you).
There are some persons with AS who really do wear their emotions on their sleeves (I've dated two, actually) and are very demonstrative, to the extreme. Personally, I'm closer to the other end of the extreme, but I think that's just because I grew up in a household where there wasn't a lot of affection displayed. I'm not sure that in my case, it's even AS-related. I do feel affection, but, like some others said, I just am not great about expressing it.