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Snowy Owl
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29 Jun 2011, 6:01 pm

I've been told much of my life that what I say is random. People wonder where certain comments or thoughts came from. I recently began to figure this out. I am not random at all. In fact, I'm extremely intentional.

The other day, I was talking to someone at dinner, and I looked at the tv. The tv had WNBA on, and I thought how the woman in the WNBA looked taller than the male announcer. From here, I thought about how all the female Eastern European tennis players tend to be very tall. I then thought about how most male tennis players tend to be average. I asked, 'Why are male tennis players average height, while females are so tall?' This person thought that was random. However, if you follow my train of thought, you can see how I logically came to that question. The other person was likely still processing whatever we had been talking about (I don't even remember what).

Is this common for Aspies? Do we go from thought to thought quicker than the NT's, so we aren't random, they just can't keep up with the speed of our minds?

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29 Jun 2011, 6:15 pm

I often say things that seem random to people. I've found that whenever something seems too random, people can follow the train of though if I tell them where my jumping off point was. I have often made comments about something happening in the background that were utterly random to people. But once I pointed out the thing in the background (like the WNBA show), it wasn't random to them anymore.

I know it seems utterly weird that other people aren't always noticing the background stuff too but they often aren't. If you comment on it, they won't get the comment unless you point out the background thing you are referring too.


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29 Jun 2011, 7:04 pm

A few weeks ago someone said something like this to me:

"Usually what you say is really random... but you're right, that [referring to a comment I made] was exactly what needed to be said.

I don't buy that. I'm never random. I can't even imagine one thing I said that was ever random. Not to mention that true randomness is totally impossible (if you would like, I could elaborate on that theory).

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29 Jun 2011, 7:06 pm

At first.

Once people get to know me, they realise I'm very predictable.

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29 Jun 2011, 7:19 pm

I never been told I was random. I'm not random but I'm attracted to random girls because I think that's funny & cute

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29 Jun 2011, 7:51 pm

I remember one time I was on a date several years ago and we were talking about....something.....anyways, I was in the middle of a sentence when I yelled "FERARRI!! !". Some dude was driving a 360 Modena down Pershing Ave. in Stockton, CA and.....yeah. I then went on to talk about the 0-60 time, bhp, etc. I think maybe that just possibly could have been why I didn't score with her........

Oh well. I still saw a Ferarri :hail:

But yeah, I'm known for my randomness at work. Totally off the wall stuff. Though a lot of times I'm being serious and they think I'm trying to be a comedian or something.



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29 Jun 2011, 8:26 pm

I gave a cookie to another Starbucks customer who was quite a bit smaller than myself a few years ago. She looked at her friend and said, "Gee....that was random."

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29 Jun 2011, 8:54 pm

I make connections in my head, but don't verbalize them, then say the finished product. This comes across as random. I get interested in something outside the flow of the conversation, and remark on it. That also comes across as random.

I think a lot of it comes from the amount of time I spend in my own head, even around other people.

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29 Jun 2011, 8:57 pm

Yes, but I believe it comes from people not knowing the line of thinking I used to arrive at my statement.


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29 Jun 2011, 9:05 pm

Yup. I am the Randomizer.

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29 Jun 2011, 9:10 pm

I am very random and I say things that make absolutely no sense. I like my randomness, I revel in my quirkyness. :)

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29 Jun 2011, 11:02 pm

funny you should ask, but I actually have been told that I am random. I would just say that maybe I seem random to someone on the outside of my thoughts, but on the inside of my head, they make a nice steady line from one to the other. I just don't feel the need to try and catch someone else up on the progression of my thoughts... and of course, I think so much faster than I can converse, so ... if that makes me random, then I guess I'm random. oh well. :wink:

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Snowy Owl
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30 Jun 2011, 11:45 pm

So the general consensus seems to be that we think quicker from topic to topic, like six degrees of separation. When our NT friends are still thinking about basketball, we already thought about the ball bouncing on wooden floors, wood coming from trees, that time we went to the woods and saw lots of pretty trees, that funny joke about Hummers that was told that day we went to the woods and saw the pretty trees, and so the next thing we say involves Hummers. How did we go from basketball to Hummers? Writing it out like this, it makes sense. The NT's can't keep up with the speed of our thinking.

Wow, Aspies would make good comedians on Drew Carey improv shows.

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30 Jun 2011, 11:53 pm

I have people call me random all the time.

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01 Jul 2011, 4:00 pm



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02 Jul 2011, 6:02 pm

Yes, yes, yes. All the time. People find it strange how I can look at two people in the street and instantly come up with names for them and give a detailed yet fictional and amusing descripton of their shopping trip. I think its the way autistic brains are sort of, rewired? Maybe we think of things as you said, in a line, going from one thought to the next and arriving at a conclusion that APPEARS random, but really isnt. Because we are very curious about things. Do you ever find yourself asking a lot of questions, and other people say, yeah, thats weird to ask, why do u even care? And you say, I just find it interesting or want to know, and they say, you're weird.