rabidmonkey4262 wrote:
Jory wrote:
Straight men who like lesbians? Straight women who like gay men? This is madness! Next you'll be telling me that bananas are yellow.
Straight men are turned on by lesbians all the time. This just means you're a normal guy.
There is a HUGE difference between the attraction to lesbians that straight men exhibit and what the OP is talking.
With straight men it's, I think because I'm not one of those guys, like a 2 for 1 thing. They just think it's 'hot' and 'sexy' because it's 2 women. Often, they're not even attracted to 2 lesbians but 2 straight ultra-femme airbrushed types pretending to be lesbian.
Anyhow, I can relate to the other sort of attraction. It had nothing at all to do with attraction or sexual feelings towards a lesbian couple or the lesbian culture, just a sincere desire to have been born female and date other women.
I've recently confronted and accepted the fact that I'm actually transgender, and hope to start the process of transitioning to be female (but not quite all the way, I'm genderqueer and want to be seen as androgynous). Although I don't have any plans to date anyone who identifies as lesbian (although I have in the past which did a lot of legitimize to me that my feelings were correct and I wasn't just fetishizing) it's nice to know that I will more easily be able to slip into their ranks when I'm feeling in the mood.
That's just my take, what do I know?