Yes I am! Very, very, very ashamed. Everyone keeps on expecting more out of me, and I find it so hard to just be an Autistic person in today's society. It's like society won't let me be an Aspie or anything. It's so hard living in a world built for NTs. Because it isn't built for Aspies. Everywhere you go is loud, and people just think everybody loves loud noises or don't mind. Well, not everywhere you go, but most places. People are always making a loud stupid noise, like shouting, banging about, letting their brats wail, revving loud motobikes/car engines, and so on. There's no escape.
But that's not only it. I'm so ashamed of having AS. I think it stems back from when I started school - how awful I was. I started off in life as a typical baby and toddler, then as soon as I started school at 4 years old, all my Aspie traits all came out at once, and from then on they were trying to look for a diagnosis, which was then discovered in me at 8 years old. Then I felt all embarrassed, and one of my classmates knew (because she had an Autistic brother), and she went and told all the other girls in the class about my disability, then they all started speaking to me like I was a baby, and then they seemed very afraid of me and so didn't want to be friends with me and felt embarrassed of being friends with me. It was awful. Although I was lucky enough not to get bullied, I still felt very left-out and friendless. Best friends came and went - one minute I was best friends with another girl, the next minute I was lonely again. And I felt so ashamed, and the shame still hasn't gone. This is my only life I will ever have, and I am lumbered with this cruel disability. And all the symptoms fill me with shame: the meltdowns, the stupid obsessions, the social mistakes I make, the way I look stupid even without acting stupid, the sensory issues making me frightened to go out because of sudden noise, and's all horrible, and it all stands in the way of me settling down in a job. It's so unfair. Then people wonder why I'm ashamed. And to cap it all off - I'm not very bright either. I have a few little talents, but they are just what most people can do, and I don't thank my AS for them. There's nothing good about it - I hate having it. It's so embarrassing - especially the meltdowns. When I have a meltdown, I look similar to an NT having a nervous breakdown. When something gets right up my arse (not literally), I shout manically AT THE TOP OF MY VOICE, so loud that I get a raspy throat and a splitting headache and a rapid heart-rate afterwards, then the next door neighbours hear all this and try protecting their children because they think there's a mental nutter living in this house. Now, if that isn't shame, what is? Tell me - what is?!