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27 Aug 2006, 4:34 pm

I found a few sites (like Marc Segar's survival guide: ... tents.html) that teach the unwritten rules of society. Should we take the effort to learn them?

I don't mean act entirely like an NT, dropping stims and obsessions and all, just whether we should try to make them feel comfortable around us.

Giving in on some matters might bring profit: for instance, if no NT ever wants to get near aspies they won't find out how great we can be.

On the other hand, if we all acted as autistic as possible in public they have to get used to it eventually.

Of course it's a very personal decision.


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27 Aug 2006, 4:38 pm

I think we should make an effort just to make things go smoother but its really up to the individual how much effort they want to put into it.

Personally I do my best every day to fit in just to fight against my own shortcomings I guess.

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27 Aug 2006, 4:55 pm

Well ya know what it's like im at a point where I could care less what others think of me but I do my best to control my Hyperactivity as best as possible in some places of course.


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27 Aug 2006, 4:59 pm

Should we act like NTs? Sometimes.

When in Rome...

It helps if you speak the language, even if it's just a few phrases.

You can continue to speak your native language among friends and family, just like other immigrants do.

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27 Aug 2006, 5:05 pm

If you try to act NT while people are getting to know you, they'll expect you to behave like them and to like or understand the same things they do. Then they misunderstand when your AS traits make it hard for you to live with them, and either ostracize or harass you because you didn't live up to their expectations, or worse, feel like you've rejected them.

But at the other extreme, if you act purely on impulse with no regard for other people's needs or preferences, they'll either fear you or make fun of you behind your back.


AS is a neurological "condition", not a "disorder". Your brain's not malfunctioning, it's just been hardwired differently since early childhood.


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27 Aug 2006, 5:23 pm

I have chosen to be more like NTs but it sucks ass. If I had someone to love, I wouldn't give a rats ass about what NTs think.


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27 Aug 2006, 5:23 pm

I think we should learn how to act like NTs, so that we can communicate when we want to.

There's no obligation to act like an NT, though. Those skills are tools, no more... use them if you want to; if not, don't feel you need to.

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27 Aug 2006, 5:38 pm

We definitely shouldn't have to become NTs, in the sense that we try to act exactly like them. However, it does help to act a little like NTs when we're with them, without going too far to either extreme.

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27 Aug 2006, 6:12 pm

I think that we all need to be as logical as possible, dissasociate ourselves from our emotional sides.
Should we act like NT's, in my opinion no.


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27 Aug 2006, 6:25 pm

I act like an NT as much as possible, but I do a trade-off by allowing myself to have strong obsessions. The only time that I don't behave like an NT, is when I'm posting on this Site.


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27 Aug 2006, 8:46 pm

Why should I try and not act like who I am? If people find me strange because of how I act or what I say its they're lose. If I act totally out of chatracter for who I really am just to make other people happy, I'm living a lie. I won't live that way.


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27 Aug 2006, 9:02 pm

Some of this stuff is useful to help us avoid social gaffes. I did not realize people in bright colors were often ignored.


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27 Aug 2006, 9:21 pm

To do good for ourselves: Yes, when the situation calls for it

To please others: NO


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27 Aug 2006, 10:34 pm

Agreed.. "the act" should never be performed to please others only to avoid creating troubling situations and to help you towards your own personal goals.

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27 Aug 2006, 11:32 pm

Hell no.

Some of my best friends are NTs who find my aspie traits appealing.


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28 Aug 2006, 1:42 am

I am 42 and only learned about AS this summer....I dont know for sure if I am NT but NT seem to know I am not "one of them"...Most of my life I have heard that I dont "think" "act" or "feel" the right things....I have my very "sensory reality" Questioned and made fun of...When I read "brave New World" in high school...I remember thinking that most of the people around me were either on Soma or had to much alcahol injected into their fetal sulution before birth....I am not "trying" to "react" against societys wishes or beliefs....I am trying not to be drowned by them.If I didnt have to expend so much energy just trying to keep my head above the water and not lose my sense of self....I might have the energy to learn the "tricks" to pass as "normal"...thats a big MIGHT...but at what cost....the time and energy I use for my intellectual interests and creative persuits...doesnt seem worth it to me even if I could....

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