glasstoria wrote:
I am 30 and just now getting the idea that I have dealt with AS symptoms and experiences my entire life. It is exciting to finally understand why I am the way I am and not like other people.
As I am looking back, things are starting to make more sense.
One of them is that in my pictures from school, and baby pictures from photographers, I am rarely smiling or making an appropriate expression.
In baby pictures from age 1-3, the only ones were I am smiling are where they gave me cookies, and I have a cookie in my hand (my mother also told me this.) After that, I have a very solemn or sort of scared look on my face (I do remember the photography experience being overwhelmingly scary). In kindergarten, my mom calls it "chipmunk" face because my mouth is sort of squished up but I have not really managed a "smile". My "fake smile" gets a little better as I get older in sequence in the photos, but there are no genuine big grins. The best is merely a closed mouth little "lets get this over with quickly" expression.
It is strange when I look back on it from this point of view... I was just wondering if others have the same experience when they look back.
I never smiled at the ones taken at school. Pictures of me as a baby with both my parents together tell a different tale. I was always smiling in them, even as a wee infant. Once we moved here, I have a hard time finding pictures of me with smiles. There are a couple here and there but not very many. Most of them have me frowning or no expression.