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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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13 Jul 2011, 8:48 pm

Hey- so I'm not sure this thread is the most germane one for the question I have, but I think I'll post here anyways just because it is at least marginally tangential with the topic of the internet/computers.

So a bit of background info: I'm a 22 year old student about to enter my final year of uni. I've never been formally diagnosed with Asperger's or any other mental pathology for that matter, but I have found that members of my family behave in manners consistent with the DSM criteria for Aspieness (one of my siblings, for instance, frequently threw tantrums during her time growing up, and even now has some issues with reading people and assessing situations). Despite not having a diagnosis, I believe that I might have at least a borderline case of Asperger's. What makes me hold this belief is the fact that I didn't really know how emotions such as love or anger or disgust worked until my first year at uni (this is not to say that I did not feel those emotions before then, only that I did not comprehend them). I also had a weird relationship with my friends during high school in which I often felt left out of social outings (no one would text me to say that people were going out, etc), although when I did go out with my mates I wouldn't really engage with them (nothing they were talking about was really interesting to me). Ergo, awkwardness.

Anyways, now to the crux of this post:

I was wondering if anyone here uses Facebook less for social activities / interaction (i.e., writing on other people's walls, wishing people a happy birthday) and more as a tool to just look at other people's interactions and try to understand them. I know it used to be sort of looked down upon to be a "Facebook stalker", but this phenomenon of dwelling on other people's profiles has grown to the point where it really doesn't seem too marked a behavior to observe without speaking. What do y'all think?


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Joined: 19 Jan 2011
Age: 36
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18 Jul 2011, 9:14 am

I can see where you're coming from. I'm on Facebook all the time, I usually have it open in a tab, but I rarely post things, I just like to see what other people are doing. There are many people who I am 'friends' with but never speak to, but I keep them on there so I can look at what they're doing. I'm not sure if that's just being a voyeur though!

(Oh and as yet I'm undiagnosed too, the waiting list here is so long. )