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15 Jul 2011, 8:02 pm


I am posting this for people on this site that might seem depressed about their current situation. It is a get better video that I hope everyone enjoys. It might seem a little corny, and the message might not be perfect but I want to give people a historic reason on why it gets better.

Bye everyone!


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16 Jul 2011, 8:33 pm

Very eloquent and candid video. Thank you for sharing it with us.

I'd like to make my own "It Gets Better" video, but I'd have no idea what to say because I've never really been the receiving end of homophobia. Much of the teasing and harassment I faced in school was due to my social awkwardness. Those who did know that I'm gay were either supportive or just didn't really care.

What fresh hell is this?


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16 Jul 2011, 9:16 pm

The reason why nerds have become successful is because technology is profitable. There's nothing profitable about being in the LGBT community.

Now, that being said, while I don't necessarily believe that it will get better, I would very much like to see an improvement in the way LGBT's are treated.

Remember, all atrocities begin in a sensible place.


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16 Jul 2011, 9:20 pm

Descartes wrote:
Very eloquent and candid video. Thank you for sharing it with us.

I'd like to make my own "It Gets Better" video, but I'd have no idea what to say because I've never really been the receiving end of homophobia. Much of the teasing and harassment I faced in school was due to my social awkwardness. Those who did know that I'm gay were either supportive or just didn't really care.

Thank you for your comments. They are much appreciated.

Maybe you could say that based on your lack of being teased, there are places where LGBT people do not get harassed. It gives others a reason to keep holding on; to one day move to communities where they are accepted. I am curious, where do you live (in a broad sense like State or country)?


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17 Jul 2011, 9:33 am

techn0teen wrote:
Descartes wrote:
Very eloquent and candid video. Thank you for sharing it with us.

I'd like to make my own "It Gets Better" video, but I'd have no idea what to say because I've never really been the receiving end of homophobia. Much of the teasing and harassment I faced in school was due to my social awkwardness. Those who did know that I'm gay were either supportive or just didn't really care.

Thank you for your comments. They are much appreciated.

Maybe you could say that based on your lack of being teased, there are places where LGBT people do not get harassed. It gives others a reason to keep holding on; to one day move to communities where they are accepted. I am curious, where do you live (in a broad sense like State or country)?

I live in Arlington, Texas, which is a very conservative area. I think the reason I never really experienced intolerance on behalf of my sexual orientation is because I was never exactly "out" to begin with. Yes, I let some people know that I was gay, but I didn't really broadcast it for the world to see. I mostly kept to myself throughout school. I also theorize that I wasn't harassed because those who did know that I was gay, or suspected it, probably liked the fact that I wasn't a flaming, stereotypical gay guy.

The area I live in is known for being very conservative. Despite this, the college I'm currently attending (as well as the university campus located in my city) both prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.

What fresh hell is this?


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17 Jul 2011, 10:58 am

The reason why nerds have become successful is because technology is profitable. There's nothing profitable about being in the LGBT community.

Half the people who are LGBT at my university are engineers & scientists. This is more than the general population. People in the LGBT community tend to be more open minded, skeptical, expressive, and creative. These are good traits for any employee. Many people in LGBT do not have to worry about pregnancy and can afford to focus more on their careers.

People in the LGBT community know what it is like to be discriminated against. This discrimination makes them improve themselves & their lives. Things like respect and decency are not handed to them like heterosexual majority. Therefore, they have to have larger ambitions to come up on top; therefore more competitive.

Traits can make one just as successful as skills.


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20 Jul 2011, 3:04 am

If LGBT people are todays nerds, then what are LGBT Aspies?


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20 Jul 2011, 4:20 am

LGBT are Today's Nerds



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20 Jul 2011, 11:39 am

YourMother wrote:
LGBT are Today's Nerds


Care to elaborate? I am even doubting you watched the video.


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20 Jul 2011, 12:32 pm

I did watch the video, I just think that the analogy doesn't really hold up. There have always been gay people...the computer thing..,.it's just so people who were into computers and stuff got rich...well, there have already been plenty of famous gay people. So...yeah. The person in the video seems to be ignoring all the gay people in the whole history of humanity. The thing about pregnancy too, LOL. Ah, f**k those straight people, they'll just get pregnant, f**k 'em. Sorry if I seem a bit...miserable and horrible and generally A BASTARD. I really do genuinely apologise. I'm rubbish. And I know that this word is the scourge of all every personal critique EVER, but the speaker seems to be a bit...pretentious. I mean that there's an air of pretension, "LGBT community, I blablabla YOU to blablabla". Oh that you in the video?


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20 Jul 2011, 2:22 pm

The thing is that "nerds" have ten times more of the world population to appeal to than queers.

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Tufted Titmouse

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12 Aug 2011, 12:14 am

Nerds still have it pretty rough today. In fact, a lot of the time, male nerds are usually picked on by alpha-male jock-sorts because they view the nerd's lack of 'traditional masculinity' as 'gay'. (sarcasm) Because we all know all gays aren't masculine! (rolls eyes) Nerds generally aren't the popular sort. They aren't not the ones sleeping with a bunch of girls like the (sarcasm) nice, straight, manly men (which is ridiculous. A real man treats women with respect, not as objects). I remember being that outcast nerd kid; I still am. I got picked on my entire life. Do you know what the 'manly men' bullies used to call me? Gay, fag, and all kinds of homophobic things. Did it matter that I was actually just as straight as they were? No. They used my lack of traditional masculinity as an excuse to conviniently label me as 'gay' and lump me in with a societally hated group. Suffice to say, I got so tried of hearing these homophobic things that now I'm a fierce defender of the LGBT community. I know how much it hurts to be considered less of a human being because you are or are perceived to be LGBT. Still, going even futher, I think gay nerds have it the worst. I have a friend ( an NT) who is a gay nerd and people hate him for being gay and even gays don't take an interest in him because of the nerd aspect. Poor guy. I also know LGBT Aspie nerds who fair even worse in the socializing/romance department.