This is a message of love! ... ate-52570/
The definition of love is not that you let people do whatever they want.”
So, we don't hate you, we just hate what you do.
"The essence of love,” he added, “is to desire the best for someone, and to act to bring that about. And I would argue that's what we think we're doing."
So, thanks to big bro Christianity , gays can be glad that they will not be able to marry, they may not understand it right now, but it is the best for them.
Sprigg also emphasized that he wants to see homosexuals spared from any harm, particularly emphasizing physical harm from health concerns like the AIDS epidemic. He does think, however, that Christians should make their motives clear about the issue.
Everyone knows heterosexual sex is free of such risks as AIDS, so, let's all be straight!
According to a 2007 Barna Group study, 91 percent of young non-Christians said present-day Christianity is “anti-homosexual” and that Christians show “excessive contempt and unloving attitudes towards gays and lesbians.” A majority of young churchgoers also held this sentiment.
Overall, Americans give the church a low grade when it comes to how it handles the issue of homosexuality.
A Public Religion Research Institute study last year found that more than 4-in-10 Americans gave religious organizations a “D” (18 percent) or an “F” (24 percent) in their handling of homosexuality. Four-in-10 Americans also said they believe that the messages coming from places of worship contribute “a lot” to negative perceptions of gay and lesbian people.
Those poor kids, they don't get it!
But what worries Greg Quinlan, president of the Pro-Family Network, is that many Christians aren't standing in opposition to gay marriage for the sake of getting along with those on the other side of the debate.
What? Young Christians: Don't do this: don't be nice to gays , that's wrong. Love the gays by opposing gay marriage like we do!
"I am intolerant,” he said, “but I don't hate. Yes, there is a difference ... We have to turn the definitions around."
"When somebody calls us a hater ... we need to be all the louder, all the more persistent and consistent with our message,” he said.
So, these Christians homophobes are just intolerant, not haters. It is different. GET IT RIGHT PEOPLE!
Last edited by Vexcalibur on 21 Jul 2011, 12:54 am, edited 1 time in total.