Crazy ex-girlfriends/boyfriends.

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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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31 Aug 2006, 11:47 pm

This is the topic to share any generally bad experiences you've had in relationships.

The last girl I dated was very interesting... She was bipolar, which I was ok with. We got along fine for a bit, but she eventually started to become irritated with me for no reason, which I assumed was because of her condition, and thus was patient and left her alone. However, one day she started cursing at me, and I couldn't help but snap back at her. This made her REALLY mad.

For the remaining 8 months at school, she tortured me psychologically and everything she did was directed at me. However, she was fairly intelligent and managed to make it subtle enough so that no one would see. Because of this and the fact that all my friends are her friends as well, no one believed me if I tried to tell them. This made me start feeling isolated and increasingly anxious (which is not good for someone like me who is naturally lacking in social skills).

I attempted making peace with her, but she denied that anything was happening, and not much later she started to spread rumors about me around school (only 130 or so students) and give me a bad reputation. People gave me weird looks and awkward silences whenever I spoke, and this made me even more uncomfortable.
She almost stalked me to an extent, following me down the hall and even inviting herself to my friend's sleepover.

It was a LONG 8 months, but when summer arrived I could never have been happier. I only received one IM from her and then blocked her. And she didn't come back to the school this year. However, the funny thing is, she actually visited on the second day during the last 3 minutes of school just to ignore me. I later found out that this was because she wanted to act mature, and show to me that she was over it... And that I was pathetic for not being able to let go of my hate. Ha!

Anywho, I'm glad to have gotten this more or less off my chest. Please, share your stories as well, I know I'm not the only one with an interesting story.


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01 Sep 2006, 12:05 am

Sounds like you are way better off without her. I have a friend who is bipolar and sometimes it is hard to comprehend why she acts like she does even moreso than if she was plain NT.

My only good ex story is about my ex fiance` who I continued to have a friendship with for a few years after we broke up. She finally disowned me as a friend because I refused to do dishes after a Thanksgiving dinner because all the other guests were sitting in the livingroom telling funny stories & I wanted to join them. It wasn't even her house so she had no right to demand that I do the dishes. Ever since I have not heard from her. Been two years almost. I don't miss her. Ok probably not exciting story but I have had no contact with any of my other exs after we broke up.


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01 Sep 2006, 3:29 am

i was having breakfats with agf once...i meant to say "darling can you please pass the sugar"
but instead i said "you b***h you wrecked my life"
she was shocked...i ewas too, she aske dme to repeat it and i meant to sat "baby im so sorry lets go and have make up sex"
but instead i said" im not even sorry...its true"

she left and never came back.
curse this aspie truthfullnes.

Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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01 Sep 2006, 6:54 am

donkey wrote:
i was having breakfats with agf once...i meant to say "darling can you please pass the sugar"
but instead i said "you b**** you wrecked my life"
she was shocked...i ewas too, she aske dme to repeat it and i meant to sat "baby im so sorry lets go and have make up sex"
but instead i said" im not even sorry...its true"

she left and never came back.
curse this aspie truthfullnes.

<snicker, snicker>

Sorry, but that is funny.



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01 Sep 2006, 12:49 pm

dev664 wrote:
For the remaining 8 months at school, she tortured me psychologically and everything she did was directed at me. However, she was fairly intelligent and managed to make it subtle enough so that no one would see. Because of this and the fact that all my friends are her friends as well, no one believed me if I tried to tell them. This made me start feeling isolated and increasingly anxious (which is not good for someone like me who is naturally lacking in social skills).

I attempted making peace with her, but she denied that anything was happening, and not much later she started to spread rumors about me around school (only 130 or so students) and give me a bad reputation. People gave me weird looks and awkward silences whenever I spoke, and this made me even more uncomfortable.

That's an interesting situation. I experienced something similar, but it wasn't with a friend, let alone a boyfriend/girlfriend. One smart boy spread rumours about me and told people to badmouth me. He got bored with it after a while (Thanks to Sophist's support!). Search my topic "My Major Concern" for more details on that situation.


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01 Sep 2006, 4:03 pm

When I am worried or stressed I withdraw into my own head to think. This always causes problems because girlfriends assume you're not talking because you're mad at them. It's caused me a lot of grief.

One particular girlfriend used to get really mad and scream and shout at me. We'd lost a baby through miscarriage - a double shock as neither of us knew she was pregnant (it happened at a very early stage, and she'd always had very irregular periods). I think we were both too young to handle the emotional fallout.

I was so busy trying to get my head around the loss of the baby that I didn't understand how much support she would need, and the more she attacked me for refusing to talk the more I withdrew. Things got to the stage where she'd pull my hair out or shove me around, or get so wound up that she'd faint. Strangely enough it was the fainting that scared me the most, as beneath everything I really did love her and it scared me half to death. The fights were bad, though, and I knew that if I fought back I'd be the one who got blamed, as men are always to blame for domestic disputes, aren't they? True enough, she started telling people that I pushed her around when in actual fact I only ever pushed her out of the way when I was backed into a corner and needed to escape.

In the end we split up and then the fun really started. She began spreading all sorts of wierd gossip about random things, like the fact that she'd passed her driving test when she hadn't. Apparently this was supposed to make me jealous in some way but I didn't really understand it. She also told her family a load of stuff about me that wasn't true (ironic, given that she used to slag her family off to me).

Being naive and a bit obsessive, in an Aspie sort of way (though I didn't know it back then), I missed her like crazy. Eventually I went to see her at work to try and sort things out. First thing she did was call her folks, and a posse of about six blokes turned up and hauled me outside, including the new boyfriend she'd conveniently forgotten to mention. By this stage I really didn't give a f-ck any more and I was quite prepared to take at least a couple of them out on the way down. I remember her Dad saying "Don't you think you've caused enough trouble already?" and I just looked at him and said "No, not really..". Plus I managed to stare down the boyfriend even though he had the numbers on his side and I was wearing sunglasses...

Just as everything was about to kick off this really tall guy in a black leather jacket walkied into the middle of everyone and said "I think you'd better calm it down".

"And who the f-ck are you?" they said.

"I'm an off-duty Police officer..." he said, brandishing a badge. And somewhere deep inside, I started laughing.

2 years later I bumped into her again, working in a store near me. Spoke on a number of occasions, cleared the air. Then one day I went back and she'd gone. It turns out she'd been stealing from the shop.

So remember, a leopard doesn't change its spots. Be careful who you trust, and who you love. And remember, communication is everything.

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