Aspie_Chav wrote:
Lets say you having a meetup with aliens, from a far distant galaxy. You meet them on the planet Mars.
They show you a few things, try to communicate etc then ask you would you like to go home with them, or go back
to earth, to continue life life more or less the same with but with a 40% rise whatever income you currently
have. The aliens didn't say whether they will bring you back or what it is like on their planet.
meet them on Mars? How did I get there?
(edit to expand on that: if the scenario is that the aliens took me to Mars, then it is presupposed that I have consented to go along with them and am in their power anyway. If I've gone to Mars by myself and met them there, a lot depends on how I managed that.)
Also how distant is "far distant?" And what sort of drive have they used to get here? Because if it's a genuinely far distant galaxy (as galaxies go) and they've got here STL then they're going to be very strange aliens indeed...
Did have an interesting thought - an alien from a "close" galaxy might, with a bit of luck, be able to use their relative motion about their own galactic centre, and our relative motion around ours, and the relative motion of the two galaxies, to make a jump where they wouldn't need to do much velocity matching at the other end, if they had an instantaneous jump drive. That'd be cool. It would make a good SF story background if transit between neighbouring galaxies was restricted like that. It's probably not the case for anywhere near the Milky Way, but somewhere there must be galaxies close to each other (like Andromeda distance) whose spin axes are aligned.
Unless I'm missing something obvious, please tell me.
No one has gone missing or died.
The year is still young.
Last edited by Ambivalence on 28 Jul 2011, 3:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.