Blinking and rolling your eyes - whan and why do you do it?

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04 Sep 2006, 7:35 am

There have been some controversy recently for why so many more Aspies compared to NTs have selected "Do you blink or roll your eyes?" in recent version of Aspie-quiz.

I would like others opinions for this difference, and in what situations people do this?


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04 Sep 2006, 8:27 am

I blink and roll my eyes all the time. I'm not sure if it's an aspie thing anyways. I do this regardless of the situation. Most NTs question me and I simply answer "It's a habit, get used to it."


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04 Sep 2006, 9:48 am

I don't really roll them, I look up into my head alot. shrug-dunno why--it's like an attempt to access a computer file/concept I'm looking for. or a conveyance of anger or frustration.

people used to tell me I blink alot-when I waitressed and people had cause to see me alot. Dont people blink??? I didn't get it, but because attention was on me I made pointed attempts to not blink at all. then it was....why dont you blink?

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04 Sep 2006, 10:01 am

The "Bullies should be pitied" thread ... just blink over and over, but not too fast.

This thread ... roll your eyes, then smile.

It would make it a lot easier if there were some hard fast rules, but there just aren't any. Either expression can mean something different depending on the context. Rolling eyes is dangerous, because it is usually either rude or confrontational.

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04 Sep 2006, 10:09 am

I don't actually blink much, but I do tend to roll my eyes, usually to convey sarcasm. Nobody has commented on me rolling my eyes too much, but even so, I probably do it more than I'm aware of.

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04 Sep 2006, 10:29 am

i think the blinking rolling eyes and facial tics thing all come under the aspie is differentiated if we do it more than them.


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04 Sep 2006, 10:36 am

I blink and roll my eyes just because.

I guess that's just me.

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04 Sep 2006, 1:35 pm

My autistic son does it and a special ed aide noted that it's one of the few physical markers of autism. He doesn't hand-flap or rock anymore. He does spin when he's really keyed up and sometimes he shakes his head to simulate spinning. But to the untrained eye, it's not noticeable.
He also opens his eyes wider like he's just rubbed them from sleep.


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04 Sep 2006, 1:50 pm

I didn't know it was an autistic thing. I roll my eyes and blink my eyes all the time.

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04 Sep 2006, 6:49 pm

I think I roll my eyes in an NT way, when a friend tells me something stupid or about sth stupid. Usually in a non-offensive way (I smile so they know it's friendly).

04 Sep 2006, 11:46 pm

everybody blinks their eyes. It's natural. You just do it without even thinking. We can't help it.

About rolling, there are different reasons why we do it. We're bored of the conversation someone is having, someone said something dumb, someone isn't getting what you are syaing, someone doesn't understand soemthing, etc.

There are so many reasons why people roll their eyes I won't even know why they did it but ask them instead, "why did you roll your eyes?"

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05 Sep 2006, 12:46 am

I blink my eyes when I speed up my thoughts, hyperprocessing. I "look up" when I have an epipheny or try to access other than concious information. <--- Hypothesis

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05 Sep 2006, 12:57 am

When i'm really happy I tend to look up at the sky, rolling my eyes slowly left and right and rocking side to side slowly.

When bored or exhausted, ecpecially during a conversation, I tend to stare straight ahead at an object that attracts my interest.

Either way, I only make eye contact with an individual every 5 seconds or so.


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05 Sep 2006, 2:04 am

I rarely roll my eyes and its when I want another person to see me doing it (to express my disbelief)

and as for blinking,I do it all the time...(it helps keeps my eyes moist LOL)

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05 Sep 2006, 5:56 am

Rolling eyes is sarcastic and smart arse.

I rarely do it in real life. I blink because... you're supposed to?


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29 Sep 2013, 7:58 pm

All of this describes what my blinking tics are like. Sometimes it's just plain blinking, sometimes I roll my eyes into my head, sometimes both at the same time. The eye rolling got me into a lot of trouble I didn't intend as a kid and doing both at the same time make me look like a complete zombie. When my emotions get intense (nervous, excited, or angry), it gets worse.

One Aspie I know personally has a blinking tic, but he tics less than I do. Anyone here should probably look into a tic disorder like Tourette's Syndrome. Could possibly be your solution.

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