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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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09 Aug 2011, 12:37 am

It would be impossible for me to adequately summarize the sheer, overpowering amount of hatred and contempt I have for my generation (teenagers and "young adults"). While it's true that I do hate humans in general, I have a special hatred for 99.9% of teenagers and such. They are lower than the parasitic bacteria that grows on feces-eating maggots. To call them cockroaches would be an insult to cockroaches. They need to be wiped out of the gene pool. We are raising a generation of absolute savages with the mental capacity of gnats. I mean, they are not even capable of forming coherent sentences. Literally all you have to do is say "hi" to them and they will launch into a stream of incoherent vulgarities and try to stab you. This is the age of worthlessness. People's lives mean nothing, their dignity means nothing, their privacy means nothing, and their humanity means nothing. They think it's cool to hurt, kill, and steal. They think rape and murder are just hilarious. People make videos of themselves raping little girls, post the videos on the Internet, and actually earn respect for bragging about raping someone. Only in this generation could videos of vicious, heinous crimes become comedic fodder for a degenerate public.

This is the Internet generation, after all. People view graphic videos of rapes and murders every day, giggle at them, and then pass them along to their friends. Any sense of dignity or humanity we once had has long since been completely eradicated. As the Internet has shown us, we are nothing but savage and depraved animals. People reveal things about themselves on the Internet that they wouldn't even dream of revealing to anyone in real life - not even to a therapist. When people are anonymous and they don't have to accept responsibility for their actions, they will simply do as they please. This is why the Internet is such a portal into the darkest depths of human degeneracy. It completely depersonalizes us and allows us to view other people as nothing more than objects. Ultimately, it will be the downfall of our civilization. The thought of these sex-obsessed, hedonistic, chauvinistic, solipsistic, materialistic, superficial, brutish, uneducated troglodytes one day attempting to run the world is beyond terrifying. It makes me scared for the future of mankind. I mean, how do these idiots even dress themselves? All they know is violence, debasing sex, drugs, petty crime, fast food, mindless debauchery, and MTV. That is our culture.

And no, I am not going to "shoot up schools" or kill anyone, so don't even start with that crap. Seriously.


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09 Aug 2011, 12:50 am

I agree that the vast majority are, and to be thrown under the same bus as them angers me a lot.


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09 Aug 2011, 2:50 am


Can you be more specific about who you are referring to? Are they people in the media, are they people you observe in person at a distance, or are these people you know and interact with? Do these groups have any exceptions among them?

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09 Aug 2011, 3:16 am

I'm guessing it's typical of the OP's local schools over run with idiots.

Maybe some of them will turn out better in good private schools and they will become the next ruling class.


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09 Aug 2011, 3:23 am

True. Then again, teenagers of each generation have been pretty bad people, overall. It's just that the Internet allows us to see it better.

I worry about the level of intelligence and politeness in teenagers. Then again, I also worry about the level of intelligence and politeness in adults. The human species has survived tons of stupid people, and it will probably continue to do so.

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09 Aug 2011, 4:40 am

Scary post with some truth.
I have had the pleasure of going to high school with the awesomest teenagers ever, though. Sweet, genuine people. So it depends on where you're from I guess.


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09 Aug 2011, 5:05 am

I agree with a lot of this. I hate a lot of my generation, and the music. But there are those few nice ones out there too :wink:

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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09 Aug 2011, 8:10 am

For the most part, I couldn't agree with you more. I happen to live in an area that's rife with the sort of filth that you're speaking about. I can't even begin to count the number of times I heard children at my school talking about their favorite alcoholic beverages, how "drunk" they were last night, I put drunk in quotation marks because I am referring to a term used amongst these teens as a status marker rather than inebriation, and what sort of illegal substances they've been using. However you really can't attribute the bad behavior only to the teens, I've heard plenty of younger children talking about all theses things as well. It pains me to be grouped with savages like those that are now allowed to run rampant on the face of the earth.


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09 Aug 2011, 8:27 am

I must admit, I haven't been crazy with the attitudes of this generation. Everything almost seems to be regressing into insults and bullying. I do understand what it's like to be a kid. In highschool I use to face a tremendous amount of bullying and was constantly reminded how poor I was when I didn't dress "right" or that I was different because I didn't like most of the mainstream music. My generation is close to yours so I don't see a huge difference except that....there are more social networks than ever before. You get on a forum and people will openly ridicule you for the same reasons you would get if you're were at a school or club. There's a lot more tolerance for hate sites and sites that exploit humans and animals in the most graphic ways. I saw a pic of a dead little girl who's head was smashed from the tire of a truck. I couldn't believe the amount of humor people saw in this and the nasty remarks about what they'd do to the dead girl. I don't know if it's a generational thing or if it has been always there but now being exposed. It does bother me that these people who make these comments are the kind of people you'd almost run into every day.

Anyway I think I kind of got carried away with a little rant of my own. I do know what you mean. It does seem like a crazy world out there. It seems to be cool not to show any humility in this culture/generation or whatever it is.

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09 Aug 2011, 9:29 am

Good thing I live in a small town where the biggest bullies are the ones complaining about how "gay" the weather is. However the internet is a different story for me. Being a troll is appearently an art form, harassing people is an art form. This is a concern that flies under the radar in todays society because people don't realize that freedom of speech isn't a licences for you to be a dick. I hate it when people pull the Freedom of Speech card, they are bastardizing what is supposed to be symbol of freedom. I don't hate humans, but they sure are social ANIMALS, no doubt about that.

Tufted Titmouse
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09 Aug 2011, 9:48 am

Very interesting post. I have to say, I can't disagree with you. Except, I have to say that I am beginning to meet people from my generation that are beginning (slowly) to figure it all out.

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09 Aug 2011, 12:08 pm

I feel the very same way, It's ironic that I read and type this message amidst the 'riots' going on in this country right now, where a majority of the people who are doing it are simply doing it for 'fun'. Literally, I heard an interview by a journalist with one of them where they tried to justify their actions by saying something along the lines of "Yeah, um, we're doing it cause um... it's fun and um... it's going against someone... um, political, um, conservatives and the like... um" obviously having no idea what they're talking about and causing absolute grief for innocent people who's homes, business and in a couple of instances lives have been completely destroyed. These people simply do not care what they do to other people or how they effect they lives, they will use any excuse to harm somebody innocent, and the law more often than not protects them too!

The internet can truly be a disgusting place for this savage, narrow-minded culture we live in to truly unfold in it's forms of anonymity. This is one of the reasons why I don't use Facebook or Twitter or any kind of social network- I just don't want to be associated with those kinds of people. Many of which may of been former acquaintances of mine, who have since 'devolved' into utter scum. This culture is just utterly disgraceful, and I hate to be apart of the generation that is powering it.


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09 Aug 2011, 12:14 pm

I think that is a bit of an overgeneralization.......I find it rather hard to belive that only 1% of my generation is not sh*t. Sure I see a lot of issues with society in general but to throw all the blame on my generation seems a little bit ridiculous since the same things have been going on for multiple generations.

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09 Aug 2011, 10:46 pm

I understand your concern. I feel so old-fashioned and out-of-date that I don't belong in our current time frame, or would even want to. I hear some pretty sick things at school and youth groups, girls being abused and/or raped, people cheating on each other, drug use, drunkeness, bullying, refusing to even try in school, etc. And the larger scope of America isn't any better, in fact, far worse. Political scandels, crime rate increase, recidivism increase, teen pregnancy increase, debt increase, suicide rate increase, cancer, poverty, hunger, gangs, those moron celebrities, etc, etc, etc. And the world? Worse yet. Human rights violations, poverty, hunger, genocide, war, racism, sexism, child labor, slave trade, riots, terrorism, etc, etc, etc. Compounded with my own, bad life experiences of being a teenage Aspie, it feels like I'm drowning in sea of utter darkness. It makes me wonder, "What's the point? Why can't the Apocalypse happen already?". If I really was Kira, with the power of the Death Note, then I could change things, assuming L or Near didn't kill me. But, as intelligent and successful as I am, I feel so useless in the face of all these despicable things going on. I'm just one person: what can I possibly hope to achieve? Even if I did accomplish something, would it even matter?


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09 Aug 2011, 11:20 pm

We have a term for the people described in OP's post: creeps. Luckily, I've ever met any genuine creeps. Out of all the friends I've had, and people I've met, I've never really encountered any that truly made me question the moral future of the human race. Sure, we'll make occasional sick jokes or throw around petty insults, but that's only to try to make light of a much more serious subject, we're never serious about it, and we know the true weight of the subject we're referring to when we do it.

All those rude comments on graphic images and videos and their fellow peers? Most of them are probably just what we do: trying to make light of a much more serious issue that they don't want to think about too much or otherwise confront in some way. It's the ones who mean what they say that you want to watch out for, though. Those are the people you don't want to meet in a dark alley at night, or even be alone with during the day. Those are the people who give humans a bad name because they have poor impulse control.

As for all the recreational drug use and drinking, and the casual sex: Again, it all comes down to poor impulse control, really.

In short: Being human = poor impulse control.

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09 Aug 2011, 11:44 pm

Talking about my generation?

No love for Hamas, Hezbollah, Iranian Leadership, Islamic Jihad, other Islamic terrorist groups, OR their supporters and sympathizers.