Hi ebot,
Do you mean any sense sensation that causes disruption of smooth "time flow" (akinestopsia motion), or causes simultaneous pairing to a characteristic time unit also characteristic of a recurring cycle (such as a particular smell giving sensations of being in a particular season, a season that might or might not be present)? Or vice-versa???
Most of such phenomena is a learned sensation, as most time units are social constructs, with no solid relationship to a natural phenomena. The book "The Seven Day Circle" examines the total absence in nature of any natural phenomena related to a seven day week. Many people are so use to the Gregorian Calendar that the idea of Lunar months (and Leap months) are taken as very awkward, yet such months relate to natural phenomena much better.
Since I have clusters of seizures close to every 29.5 days over a long average (that doesn't stay in sync with the Moon), the typical time-travel deja vu with the aura of epileptic seizures give me strong polymodal limbic sensations to cyclic periods of 29.5 days. Dr. Cytowic's definitions of synesthesia tend to exclude much related to epilepsy (even my feeling smells as "touch" during my "blase" seizure aura), and by my understanding, most all similar phenomena that is a result of conditioning should also be excluded from satisfying a strict definition of synesthesia (i.e., why would a base-10 number give a "colour" sensation when the same number in base-2 doesn't, other than as a conditioned response, voiding satisfaction of a strict definition of synesthesia?). Dr. Cytowic's definition then becomes very wide involving conditioned responses that are so frequent as to be erroneously and easily assumed to be independent from a culture.
Using classical and operant conditioning, pseudo-synesthesias are very easy to learn (I used the smell of particular books to ace university exams with mnemonic tricks). I think Dr. Cytowic leaves off the "pseudo-" and uses the phrases "synesthetic configurations" and "eidetics" instead, which are easily more confusing.
Intellectually, I've studied enough differential geometry with general relativity theory, that the space-time warped conical slices always comes foremost in thoughts, but to me this is definitely pseudo-synesthesia, while my Limbic "multi-sense" sensations during epileptic aura associates time across location across emotions and across every basic sense (even temperature), and this seems much closer to be a genuine experience of time-space synesthesia.
Some astrophysicists go so far as to discount time as the fundamental variable, and to take temperature as the main variable to develop thermodynamic models of the universe, so is that time-space-temperature synesthesia???