hale_bopp wrote:
What she did is a "social cue" for hinting to him she's not interested in being his GF.
Something for future reference: If a girl ever talks to you about her boyfriend, it means she's telling you she's not interested.
And people aren't that dense. They know what they're doing and make their message clear (well to them anyway). The message this case is: "I enjoy hanging out with you as friends but won't be your GF".
That's what may have happened here, it may have
started as a date, but at some point the girl realized that they weren't on the same page feelings-wise, so she dropped the "B-bomb".
I actually like this tactic: it's unambiguous, and even if it's not true, demonstrates that the girl has enough respect for your feelings to find it necessary to tell a "white lie".
Ironically, I had a girl
fail to tell me about her boyfriend (I knew otherwise through another channel) and this caused me to erroneously think she was interested in me - d'Oh! - I guess the principle doesn't work in reverse...