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30 Aug 2011, 4:24 pm

Hi there,

I'm new on the forums but I'm quite sure I have some sort of autism, probably Asperger. Haven't done a test yet, not sure if I want the label, but I'm quite sure I'm an aspie.
One of my problems is insomnia. I guess there are at least some of you who suffer from insomnia too; I can wake up easily, that isn't a problem at all, but getting to sleep takes at least an hour and sometimes up to three. I notice i'm less able to concentrate at day (I'm still in school) and when missing sleep, I'm even worse in social situations; but it's also just very frustrating.
I've done some research, including on the forums but most things I find just conclude there is a correlation between autism/asperger and insomnia; so far none offered a solution, hence my question: did any of you guys find a solution to insomnia? My main problem is just when I try to sleep my mind just keeps thinking and thinking, and when I accidentally boarded a 'train of thought' it just keeps rolling on...

Hope there's somebody here who knows something to help.



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30 Aug 2011, 4:40 pm

Try sleep aids like melatonin... Benedryl puts my out... Not sure if this me or most aspies but coffee makes me uncontrollably sleepy... Also if your not opposed to breaking the law marijuana at night is the only thing that has constantly worked... Beware though anyone of the above methods runs the risk of pschological addiction and in the long run might make natural sleep hard to get. But if your like by the 3rd day of no sleep anything would be better. Good luck mate!


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30 Aug 2011, 4:50 pm

Technically marijuana would be legal for me (living on the Netherlands :P) but I don't really want to go there... I once borrowed melatonin from my sister but I slept terrible that night; though I'm not sure if that was the melatonin I've never touched it since, but I might go to my doctor for it. And I really hate coffee, I try it once a year but there are few things I dislike more. That's probably a stomach condition that runs in my dad's family.

I was kind of more looking for ways to control your thoughts, if there are any, because, just like you said, I'm afraid in the long run sleeping medication will only make matters worse. I might get some melatonin though, for 'emergencies'.
Thanks ;)


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30 Aug 2011, 5:00 pm

I've had problems with insomnia in the past, and very bad night terrors/sleep paralysis.
Even though I sleep alot better now, I still regularly have sleep paralysis and night terrors.


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30 Aug 2011, 5:06 pm

ScientistOfSound wrote:
I've had problems with insomnia in the past, and very bad night terrors/sleep paralysis.
Even though I sleep alot better now, I still regularly have sleep paralysis and night terrors.
No solution so far I presume? :(


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30 Aug 2011, 5:32 pm

GLaDOS wrote:
ScientistOfSound wrote:
I've had problems with insomnia in the past, and very bad night terrors/sleep paralysis.
Even though I sleep alot better now, I still regularly have sleep paralysis and night terrors.
No solution so far I presume? :(

I've not seen anybody about it. I usually deal with it on my own anyway, sometimes its horrifying though, especially when you wake up, can't move and see faces coming out of your ceiling. (hypnagogic hallucinations, associated with sleep paralysis)


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30 Aug 2011, 9:27 pm

Try checking out some of the tips in this article from the Aspergirls blog. I found a few of them very helpful myself. ... insomniacs

I'm not sure I would suggest the lavender one; it might have relaxing tones to it, but if it isn't something you're used to, the different smell could keep you up. Something more familiar might work better (for me it's curling up with my boyfriend's t-shirt, but that may not be what you'd do!).

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30 Aug 2011, 10:44 pm

I sometimes get nasty insomnia but since I take sleeping pills and an anti psychotic at night, most of the time I am able to sleep quickly. There are times where my pills are not effective and I don't sleep at night at all, just a few hours at most. Mainly 1-3 hours. Just a couple. This can last a week. After that i start having psychotic symptoms with hearing and seeing things. I hate insomnia!

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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31 Aug 2011, 6:11 am

I thought I was the only one who starts becoming psychotic without sleep. For awhile I was wondering if I was schizophrenic instead of an aspie. Walls would breath I'd hear stuff that wasn't there. I even once looked up at the sky and watched the crecent mom snap half and loose it's top half..

I also have had my fair share of run in with sleep paralysis. Is it common for aspies? Also Ive read trying to cough is an effective way to wake from sleep paralysis but never seem too remember to try it when it happens.


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31 Aug 2011, 6:58 am

I have a lot of trouble getting to sleep sometimes. Right now, it can take me up to three hours to get to sleep, and that's after taking 10-20 mg of Flexeril. Fortunately, I usually get about eight hours once I do sleep, but my schedule is pretty warped.

I think it's fairly normal to experience psychosis with insufficient sleep. I've only had this happen to me once, and whenever I start to feel the edges creep back in I move heaven and earth to get enough sleep.


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31 Aug 2011, 9:16 am

Hmm, luckily I've never experienced sleep paralysis or illusions - though I remember one night when I was like 5 or 6 and I could swear there was a dog in my room that bit me.
For me the problem is just getting to sleep - once I'm asleep there's not a lot you can do to prevent yourself from waking up I suppose. I do, however, remember reading about something an Aspie used to get to sleep more easily, but he couldn't quite explain how he did it so that didn't help me :(


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31 Aug 2011, 9:26 am

I have posted this answer at least twice here before but it's worth a repeat.

I used to feel dog tired all day but couldn't sleep at night.

I cured my problem by buying a mountain bike.

No need to go crazy; just 2 or 3 miles a day; perhaps 4 or 5 times a week.

Now I'm (reasonably) sharp all day and get to sleep within 30 mins.


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17 Nov 2011, 5:15 am


IT IS 5:15 AM!