Alienboy wrote:
I am tired of wasting my breath on explaining in as much detail as I can as to why I feel that I have AS or some serious personal/social issues only to realize the
"certified professional" I am talking to either doesn't know anything, knows only a little or they actually are on some power trip so they feel that they know exactly what is "really wrong with me" even before I finish explaining things to them. Some of these people had the nerve to interrupt me while I was sharing pretty personal things. It really pisses me off sometimes and I have almost walked out on sessions before because of this. I figure there would be a lot more understanding talking to someone who completely understands. Does anyone know how to be more convincing as well? Any sources? I live in Orange County, CA.
Most of the therapists I have encountered are useless at best. I've had similar experiences. Except I did walk out on one session (1st & last). It was just stupid, & the more she tried to convince me that I was bi-polar & the more I protested, the dumber the situation became. I got up, thanked her for wasting my time, & left her office.
I did have one really good one about 10 years ago, but I had t quit going because I couldn't afford her services. She did extensive testing. However, she couldn't give me a specific diagnosis (in her words I was "a bit off"). She was in the OC. I live in the IE btw...not much difference between the 2 areas as far as resources.
If I do something right, no one remembers. If I do something
wrong, no one forgets.
Aspie Score: 173/200, NT score 31/200: very likely an Aspie
5/18/11: New Aspie test: 72/72
DX: Anxiety plus ADHD/Aspergers: inconclusive