I first came out at University, and I joined the LGBT at the end of my second year. It was pretty quiet at that point and I didn't get very far with the pub/club circuit. It just isn't me. But in my third year, the LGBT had a big meeting at the start to meet the new intake of freshers and so on, and one of the groups there was a gay youth group. I joined, made some new friends and found it was much more to my taste - a group that wasn't all about pubs and clubs but actually met up somewhere and had proper, organised activities.
It was at this group that I met my first boyfriend. Not that this was intentional - I was interested in a karaoke DJ at the time, and I was upset at my inability to do anything about it, and this guy was there for me and one thing led to another. We didn't last long - my lack of experience (in every sense) was probably endearing at first but became annoying.
I met a second brief fling through the group, and after that I developed the confidence to pick up guys in the pubs and clubs. I was a bit of a slut for a while. My first long term relationship came from an introduction from a mutual friend, and we moved in together and were a loose couple for a year and remained living together for a while after that. He was kind and loving but also immature and lazy, but he got an internet connection set up and I discovered the joy of chatrooms and Gaydar.
I met a number of brief encounters online, a few that might have been more if things had been different, and finally a shy fellow got in touch from some distance away. I said his picture looked camp (bloody Aspergers!) and he boldly decided to insult me back rather than cut me off entirely. We started talking, eventually arranged a meeting and then started a long-distance relationship. That was ten years ago. We now have a mortgage, a cat and a civil partnership.
I'd say my time at University was good practice, but I was nowhere near ready for a long term relationship then. A bit of slu*ty behaviour (within reason!) is probably a good thing.