DarthMaul wrote:
I told my mom, showed her the results of all 3 quizzes, and then she started crying. She started to talk about how she should've flushed me down the toilet when I was born because I brought it up (not the toilet part, the Asperger's Part).
Then she guilted me into forgetting about it all together.
I wonder why she reacted like that...
And if someone could explain the 'flushing a baby down the toilet' part... that would be awesome... 'Cause it just doesn't seem like a baby could fit down there!
Your mom scares me, no offense. She might be afraid that you are right, and doesn't want to spend money on what might not actually be there.
Or she may want a "normal" kid.
Hi there! Please refer to me as Moss. Unable to change my username to reflect that change. Have a nice day. <3