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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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Joined: 8 Jul 2011
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12 Sep 2011, 3:39 pm

As you know yesterday was the ten year anniversary of 9/11. I remember exactly where i was when this happened. At the time i was in shop at my high school in the classroom watching the news. My teacher was telling everyone to not panic and watch what happened. This is a tragic day for our country which i will never forget. It is one thing to hate the United States but to actually purposely kill tons of innocent citizens in New York City. The twin towers were gorgeous and the city is still recovering. It is an unfortunate event that this occurred because in 2011 the security at the airports and federal buildings are extremely tight. Now you can't bring certain items on a plan anymore. I will never understand what would make anyone want to fly two plans into the Twin Towers and risk their own life. The other sad part is the racial tension and ignorance towards Muslims. Some people blame all Muslims for the terrorist attacks which is unfair to discriminate the whole race. In every race there is a bad person but there is good people too. The way 9/11 affected me was making me realize how lucky i am to have a wonderful family. My friends are also the best. I am grateful that i was nowhere near the Twin Towers or New York City that horrible day. Now i can say i was alive during an important event in history. The next generation will read all about this in there text books. What is your view of 9/11?

I hope everyone didn't have the unfortunate news that a loved one died/ You are in my prayers. We are strong and our country will not let terrorists take over our country!


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12 Sep 2011, 8:45 pm

I was in 1st grade, coloring apples blue with my friend Nala and getting irritated at this other girl, Erin, when the teacher stormed in, dragged us all out and sat us in front of a tv just as the second tower got hit. Nala burst into tears and I continued coloring my apples because I thought it was just a movie. Later, I found out my friend's dad had been on a plane to like Arizona, but she was 6 and worried all the same. The horror of it didn't hit until I was suddenly sent home and found my mom sobbing. I just wanted to watch cartoons, but she got made when I tried to change the channel. Eventually after sulking in my room, I overheard her and Uncle Todd talking. I finally understood what they knew, and I was terrifed the bad guys would come and kill us just like they had killed all those other people.

Also, I thought it was Canada for about a day before someone told me otherwise :oops:. Even then, I couldn't understand why the Muslims at my school got bullied...

I'm not mad, just terribly hurt.