I'm not sure about Chimpy, but I really don't understand Russian very well. They speak so gutterally - maybe reading it transliterated into this alphabet would work, but I am not sure. We did have to learn it in elementary school, but no one ever studied for it and it was pretty much socially acceptable and expected that you'd barely get promoted with a "D" grade. I can't read Russian at all either, I've forgotten how. I've wanted to learn it again, but at the moment my time is occupied with learning German (or trying to). If I return to live in Czech, all the jobs I want require fluency in German or English, preferably both.
Czech and Slovak (and Moravian, though that's more of a dialect) are pretty much understood back and forth between anyone who lives or has ever lived in former Czechoslovakia. My dad is 1/2 Slovak, so I have plenty of Slovak relatives. Even if that weren't the case, the daily news broadcast was in Slovak when I was little. Nowadays, there are tons of Slovaks working in the Czech Republic because the Czech economy can employ them for more money than the Slovak economy. Quite a few of them continue to speak Slovak when they work in Czech, but it doesn't bother anyone because we understand each other.