I have had a major problem with this lately.When I was younger,and living at home, my mom would constsntly(or so it felt)call me to her to tell me to do "something" or critisize something.She would ask me to do something(get her a glass of Coke)while she sat there and read her Romance novels.She would be upset if I didnt here her call(because I was doing something).Everytime,I would lose the focus of what I was doing and have to start over again.Eventually,I just spent as much time out in the woods,as I could,just to get away from the feeling of not owning myself...felt like a serf on call.
More irritating ,however,is my work environment.About 80% of my co-workers are either lazy,self-absorbed or out right stupid.It's the "little" things that really get me upset,because it's been 4 years of repeated behaviors.....No matter how nice I ask and explain why something needs to be done a certain way,nothing changes....it feels like torture to me,even if I know I am "over-reacting".Its the repitition and it accumulates ,so each time it feels more annoying.....
1)Staff will use the last of a supply(gloves,etc)and leave the empty box,so when I go to help a client to bed,they have to wait for me to go down stairs and get new supply.
2)staff,getting a client ready to shower,will leave the naked client,while they answer their cell phone
or stop to talk to me or watch the TV on the way to the shower room...or leave the client in the shower
to go make the bed...(I have reported this)They get mad at me when I ask them not to do this!!
3)The client garbage will either be over-flowing or they empty it but dont put in a new garbage bag.
4)They leave loose tuperware in bottom of dishwasher on unsecured where it gets warped or floats down to the heat eliment and melts and fills the house with toxic fumes(has happened twice)The smell frightens the clients because they think the house is on fire.
5)A client(they are DD)will be talking to me and the staff talkes over them(like they are invissible)to
tell me what they did that weekend or some other non-work related topic.
6)They will wheel a client to the breakfast table and just leave them there,while they go make the bed
and the client just sits there with nothing to do and no B-fast...I am ussually takeing care of another client but will ussually end up giving the client their meds and B-fast before the staff wonders back in to help the client(I think they take their time because they know I will do it for them.)
7)They never put supplies where they belong,just throw things in a cabnet without looking where it goes,so I spend half my time "hunting down" the scissors,thermometer ,mixing bowl,band-aids,etc.
We work with two diabetics and staff are supposed to write down what they are fed(we count carbs)
but when I reminded staff to do this(because I need to know they got enough carbs when I check their BG at 1am)they complain to manager...I got wriiten a nasty note from my manager that I was accussing,blaming,demeaning staff.(they continue to do this and I am not allowed to say anything.
9)we run out of supplies but nobody tells the manager...so I go into do my shift and we are out of a med,wet wipes,food,cleaning supplies,BG testing supplies,garbage bags,sandwhich bags,dish soaps.
This causes me so much stress because it's unpredictable...I never know,but it's always somethings.
10)I take care of 3 of 4 clients in the morning...the 4 client needs to be hand fed,given drink and needs staff to put his movies or music into a "player" for him...but the staff will just ignore him and sit on the couch chattering about their mundane lives, so I end up assisting him as well.I am constantly being amazed by the lack of "empathy" of these NT's.....
Thank you for letting me rant.....I hate my job.
Just because one plane is flying out of formation, doesn't mean the formation is on course....R.D.Lang
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