In my ordinary everyday life, I don't consider myself to be a savant. If my mind is up to it I can do calendar calculation and before I hit puberty I had these weird experiences with sounds and noises that I now know is called synesthesia. However for me calender calculation is a fully transparent process and I no longer automatically associate sounds with colors unless I think about it.
But when you dream do you notice you have savant like capabilities? Since 2004 I've noticed with myself that if I have a dream where I'm listening to the radio, the music that plays is not music I've heard before, but an entirely new composition with an original melody and lyrics to accompany. Sad thing is when this happens I can never remember enough to write it down.
And now last night I had a dream where I playing a math game on the computer. A four by four grid of numbers appeared and cycled once every second. The highest number in each row was highlighted and those four highlighted numbers were summed up and displayed below the grid. The goal of the game was to stop on the cycle that had the highest sum before the numbers "overflowed". Anyways I woke up and was able to remember one of the number sequences:
32, 17, 26, 30 and that it added up to 105. I grabbed my cell phone and popped open the calculator app and sure enough 32+17+26+30=105.
I was pretty floored by it.
I live my life to prove wrong those who said I couldn't make it in life...