mglosenger wrote:
I too have a D250. I find netbooks (basically mini-laptops) to be perfect for my laptop-type needs. I also have a Macintosh and PC desktop, but if I didn't, I'd want a more powerful, larger laptop-type computer than my netbook.
The netbook/laptop form has really come a long way recently, and the prices keep going down too. Desktops are not really necessary anymore unless you want a larger monitor (and you could plug your laptop into one you have at home if you want) or want the fastest system available, which is only really meaningful now for the latest games or for various professional uses (video editing, software development, other stuff).
I own 3 computers, a mid/high range Toshiba laptop (I got it via the BEST BUY extended warranty lemon rule when my HP laptop crapped out for the 3rd time in 3 years), a (once) high-end Gateway i7 desktop (still pretty good) and a D250 netbook.
I bought the netbook as an emergency replacement while waiting for BEST BUY to settle up on the HP...
Now, I use the D250 99% of the time. It's great for school work, web surfing and watching netflix and even plays old games like Pirates, Fallout 1and 2, etc... It was the best $250.00 I ever spent.
No man is free who is not master of himself.~Epictetus