Wouldn't that make it easier to avoid? The real trouble with bullying in school is that (a) you're required to keep going back to where the bullies are every single day and (b) they tend to inflict physical injury. Online, they can't lay a finger on you and they're much easier to avoid.
Generally, my daughter has been able to avoid the physical bullies in the schoolyard, with the help of us and some teachers. (She can choose to stay inside, stick close to a teacher or find a teacher when there's a problem, gets picked up directly when dismissed, etc.) There are days I think it would be nice if she didn't have contact with anyone outside the family when she came home from school, in real time or in cyberspace... She finds it hard to stay away from the Facebook chat function, and the kids were even saying nasty things on her page. She doesn't want to unfriend or block certain people because she hopes they'll be nicer to her in the future. But I do find she is more confident when dealing with online issues, and yes, you're right, the lack of physical threat is important.