GoonSquad wrote:
Humans being what they are, well regulated capitalism is the only way to go.
when you say "humans being what they are" do you mean the supposition that humans are inherently selfish creatures? as an argument for capitalism i think it's weak. i mean i get why you would believe that- i used to myself, humans are animals after all and the goal of any animal is to compete with other animals in order to survive. the thing is that it makes more sense for humans to band together and equally distribute resources in order to survive as a species and individual. also history and current events disprove that. humans are capable of cooperating, equally distributing goods and services and they can accomplish awsome things when they do that. i guess the really obvious things to point to would be wall street protests which have gone global and the arab spring. people organising food, shelter, medical care, cleaning services, entertainment and stuff for each other and protecting each other from the police like in egypt where you'd have the christian protesters protecting the muslim ones while they prayed. if humans are ever selfish i think it's the capitalist system that encourages that. we are constantly told that we must compete, if we do not we will fail, that money is necessary to be viewed highly, marketers constantly bombarde us with ads that tell us that we are worth nothing if we havent got the latest tech or fancy product and so we compete but the majority of people are not selfish, it's not natural in my opinion. if that wasnt what you were saying i just rambled on forever for no reason
sorry if it wasnt.
wow didnt expect for there to be more anarchists than socialists here. thought it would be socialists equal to capitalists and both higher than anarchists. interesting.