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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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20 Oct 2011, 3:50 pm

Hi, My name is Luke.

Heres a little background information about me.

My Full name is Luke John Emile Ellwood. and I have no mental condition that I know of. I am 15 years old. And I live in England. I grew up in australia. I Love Science and History and see myself as a person that thinks differently to others. Basically, I'm a bit weird, as you might call it.

I came to this website. Because I have a big issue, that I need help with.

I have an ex-girlfriend, Jenny, She has recently been diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome. Recently meaning it was confirmed about 4 months ago. I started my relationship back with her, in march. Her aspergers isn't so bad that you can tell, that she has it. It's more of a, hidden, variation. Now, she told me straight off that she might have been Aspergic, but said that she wasnt sure as it hadnt been proven.

Now, Jenny would do things whilst we were going out, she was incredibly jealous, and so she removed me from pretty much all of my female friends. We got along fine like that though, I only stopped her talking to one person, and that was because of reasons I will explain.

Jenny would do things, that I would consider, not normal, to do in a relationship. At first I thought she was flirting with other guys but I stopped myself getting worried because I thought I was just being paranoid. After a while people started to say things, like "dont you mind that she does this or this?" and she would still go off with the guy I said bothered me. Then when I got upset about it, she would be all confused as to why, when I had told her directly why. At first I just didnt like them calling and texting each other 24 7, but she wouldnt let it up and in the end I had to be harsh, like she had been with me. Now. When reading this, you have to remember I love this girl to bits, when these things aren't happening she's amazing, nothing compares to her. Anyway, she had told me of this boy at cadets she had had a thing with, and that they got together a few weeks before me and her started. (Got together as in, made out, flirted, kissed etc). Now, there was a cadet weekend where she was away, and afterwards. I was told by many people that she cheated on me with him. This is about a month into the relationship. Now, I didnt believe them, and I asked her, and she said she did but not really. She told me that he got on top of her, and kissed her, and she didnt kiss him back, but didnt stop him either. Now, after that I gave myself space between us, for about 3-4 days, and then decided that I should give her a second chance.

After that, everything was fine, for ages. Nothing went wrong, we had fun, messed around, kissed and played around with each other, it was great. Then she started with that one guy again, started texting and calling him. So I got angry and we fell out, she still didnt understand. Now, at this point, she was still incredibly jealous. Especially of one of my ex's, Catty. I went on work experience for 2 weeks, and for the second week, Catty was supposed to be on the same bus as me, instead she was for one day, the other days, I woke up early and got a different bus to make things easier with Jenny. Then Jenny got angry with me for being on the bus with her for one day. And I lost it, I asked her why she was being so unappreciative and selfish, and said she did appreciate it, and so she wouldnt go to the cinema with nyal whilst I was on holiday. Now, Nyal is a different guy, he's 17, and asked jenny for a blowjob. Lucas, the original guy, asked her for sex also. He's 15. Now, I then went on holiday, safe in the knowledge that she promised she wouldnt meet up with Nyal and thinking that she understood about Lucas.

Then, whilst I was on holiday. She told me that she met up with Nyal and 2 friends on the night I left, and went to the cinema with him and 2 friends anyway. and then also met up with lucas on one of the days, alone. I was distraught and dumped her. I was then told that she cheated on me with nyal and other people whilst I was on holiday.

Now me and Jenny are alright, we're getting along, and she either wants to get back together, or not talk at all. I love this girl. The only problem is, I cant be with her if she's going to hurt me like this. She says its her aspergers, that her aspergers basically makes her flirt, and that the second cheating was all a fake, but I cant trust her. She says its her aspergers and she wants to make it up for me. because of that I have been trying for about a month, but nothing is working, nothing. she keeps talking to lucas but keeps saying its her aspergers. If it isnt her fault, I guess it wouldnt hurt as bad. But I cant help but think she's using it as an excuse to do what she wants. Would aspergers cause this behaviour? If not or so, what should I do?!


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20 Oct 2011, 4:19 pm

It sounds like she is using it as an excuse. If she is aware of what she is doing and is blaming it on her AS, then she knows what she is doing and is using the label to hide behind her behavior.


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20 Oct 2011, 4:19 pm

Aspergers may make it difficult to tell when the rules are gray what is appropriate and not appropriate. However, "flirting" is not a symptom of Aspergers. Part of being in a relationship is the maturity to communicate and develop an understanding about what each person needs and to try and meet those needs for each other. It sounds like for you this means being able to trust her not to behave in certain ways with guys when she is in a relationship with you. Have you sat down and actually bluntly listed what is okay and not okay to you: i.e. okay- talking to a guy; not okay - letting a guy touch/kiss/lay on you. It is important to be very clear what you are asking and not just hint at it and expect her to get it. I hate to hear she is making excuses instead of seeking a solution. Best of luck to you.


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20 Oct 2011, 6:27 pm

Asperger's Syndrome does not cause people to be b****s to people who trust them. Don't waste your time with her. I can see why she might accidentally flirt with someone, but if she continues to do it even though she knows which behaviors she needs to stop, she has no right to say that to you. It's people like her who give us a bad name. Leave her and find someone who actually cares about you. :wall:


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20 Oct 2011, 7:04 pm

I think she is using it as an excuse. She isn't worth the trouble


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21 Oct 2011, 10:24 pm

I have used the AS to get out of trouble before so yay she is using it as a excuse Lad 8)


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22 Oct 2011, 5:50 am

Using it as an excuse, clear as day.

Just leave her to be the slut she is and sooner or later karma will backhand her with a jerk.