I come into lecture, and I wonder what I am doing in there most of the time. As soon as I walk through that door to leave class, everything leaves my brain. The lecturer talks and shows examples, but I cannot understand.
I recently learned that I am a kinesthetic and visual learner. The lectures were all about text and auditory. The professor talks and shows text on a powerpoint slide. No wonder I didn't understand. So, yeah, lectures are useless for me. And there is a good reason.
I just ignore the professor, read the book, and draw in class. I encourage everyone to take this test to see what type of learner they are. From what I know, many Aspies are visual and "think in pictures". College usually doesn't have many visual aides, and I now know why college has been harder for me.
Take the following Questionaire (no right or wrong answers here. Just be honest). It will tell you what type you are and even give you study tips so you can be successful and learn efficiently:
http://www.vark-learn.com/english/page. ... stionnaire