A set of gene variants that occur up to 20 percent more often in autistic children may be responsible for about 12 to 18 percent of cases of autism, according to a study published today in the journal Nature.
Gee I'm underwhelmed. This is barely a correlation.
There's a possibility that we may be able to eventually do gene therapy to fix these variations that are causing autism. We may come to a point where we can diagnose the genetic defect before babies develop autism—which usually sets in around 2 to 3 years old—and then be able to administer therapy before those brain connections are disrupted. This, though, is years down the road, but at least it points the way to new research.
Out of this world speculation. I guess they want more funding for future studies.
So, can this be done practically--not a chance.
Can it be done ethically--hell no.
Why are they being funded again?