Aspie bitterness trying to get clarification on a subject

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Tufted Titmouse
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14 Nov 2011, 11:19 pm

Disclaimer: I don't want to seem as though I know everything, but I do want to give my opinion.(I will admit that I might just be talking for myself and might admit that I am wrong if someone shows me otherwise, but I will not admit lack of intelligence just difference in opinion.) Felt compelled to do that disclaimer just in case even though it might prove entirely unnecessary.

I have come to notice that a lot of aspies are bitter at "neurotypical" people or else hurt by others(again usually the "neurotypical" people). Maybe I just don't understand, but is it just me that a fair amount of aspie people seem to have a certain degree(be it small or large) of wanting to be away from neurotypical people and just stick with aspergians/autistics? In other words, are a fair amount of aspergians trying to be racist(in a way) by going by "aspergians are better" or something like that? I personally don't do this except for the "getting seriously frustrated with neurotypicals because of autistic/aspergian issues" bit.(but I will also confess that one or two aspies have gotten on my nerves) Before you post, I am not accusing anybody. All I want to know is "How wrong am I on this subject?" Whether or not I am right, I just want clarification on the subject, and I do in fact want to encourage you to share your honest opinions(won't respond with bitter comments if you very emotionally declare what the paragraph was talking about wrong.)

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14 Nov 2011, 11:35 pm

I think that the blunt sugar-uncoated statements of autistic people make autistic people appear more bitter than they actually are. It is best for NTs and autistics to take the statements of autistic people as literally as possible. If I did not say "NTs suck" or "I hate NTs", then I did not mean "NTs suck" or "I hate NTs". If I did mean "NTs suck" or "I hate NTs", then I would say "NTs suck" or "I hate NTs".


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15 Nov 2011, 12:02 am

You also need to look at the differences between 'spectrumites are better', 'spectrumites are people I find it easier to identify with', and 'spectrumites are people I prefer to be around because of the fact that I find them easier to identify with and don't feel like people expect more of me than I can give'

Tufted Titmouse
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15 Nov 2011, 1:43 am

Tuttle, I do find that a valid point-a bit roundabout point admittedly. I think I am taking it way out of proportion because I generally am not around people who are autistic(though I hope to be around other aspergians/autistics more). Sorry about that. I think it's because I have had to pay such high attention to subtleties in the past and always being unsure of certain things, therefore even though i am aspergian, I do tend to wonder about things; and I see that I supposed something that was not really that true. I am not entirely someone who's blunt, nor am i entirely subtle(except when I am in a joking mood even though I can use subtleties as a tool[and mostly just as a helpful tool]). Ignore this thread in the future. I am just an aspergian who has spent more time with neurotypicals than those who are on the autism spectrum. Sorry for acting as such. As for those who might make the same type of presumptuous mistake I have, I am just trying to be blunt.

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15 Nov 2011, 1:57 am

Am not saying that there's nobody who thinks that aspies are better than NTs, just that there are people who fall into the other categories. Personally, I've found that I feel so much less pressured to do what others expect of me around at least certain categories of spectrumites, that I find it easier to talk to them (online) than NTs in many cases. It's not a case of thinking we're better, its a case of more accurate expectations of me making things far easier on me.

However, I also know NTs who are explicitly trying to learn my triggers so they can watch out for them and either ask others to stop or warn me before I notice. Once they know about me better then likely this split will be not nearly as strong as it is now.


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15 Nov 2011, 5:00 am

This isn't true for me. I am only bitter towards people who have hurt me. But I will respect anyone who is genuinely kindhearted, no matter who they are.


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15 Nov 2011, 5:04 am

People will gravitate to those who are most similar, as they find it more comfortable.
eg. You won't see poor people hanging out with rich people, chatting about their latest overseas holidays or Ferarri purchase.

I prefer Aspies to NTs, as Aspies understand \don't care if I get some social thing wrong. I can relax the fakeness and stop being so anxious about making a mistake.


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15 Nov 2011, 6:31 am

Though i do prefer other aspies, or other awkward weird people, I have NT friends who just accept me for all and what i am. they say my aspieness defines me and i wouldnt be me without it. These are people i always hang around with, and have no problem with me weirdness n lack of social skills.
but even other aspies can put me down for not being not able to understand them. i suppose its just every person for themselves in this world.

Tufted Titmouse
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15 Nov 2011, 8:44 am

I understand what you are saying

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15 Nov 2011, 11:27 am

I am rather bitter towards people who have caused me harm...but other then that I don't hate people in general, and I don't limit myself to only hanging out with people with AS or autism, in fact I don't even know any in real life so I am stuck just hanging out with unusual people that don't have AS or autism but some of them do have other mental disorders.


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15 Nov 2011, 11:55 am

Yes, I get this, and it sometimes starts off an outburst.



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15 Nov 2011, 12:04 pm

I have run into plenty of aspies with mile wide chips on their shoulders. They can be very nasty. I like friendly aspies. Aspie or not, mean people suck!

You may know me from my column here on WrongPlanet. I'm also writing a book for AAPC. Visit my Facebook page for links to articles I've written for Autism Speaks and other websites. ... 8723228267

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16 Nov 2011, 7:57 pm

All I can think of is I'd imagine the bitterness would come from being treated/bullied by NTs when they/we were younger, or even in the current life. Another is it is natural to want to be around, and to like, others with similar likes/dislikes, etc.
By having a bad experience with someone belonging to one group, it is only natural to feel a bitterness/weariness of anyone else coming from that particular group.


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16 Nov 2011, 9:14 pm

I have found many AS are bitter about NTs. Certainly not all, and if people go too far they tend to get called on it.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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16 Nov 2011, 9:44 pm

I don't have asperger's or anything, but I haven't noticed too much bitterness from what I've seen/read anymore than anyone else is about anything. Maybe I just don't notice it, because another forum I go to beats this one about a mile in bitter talk. I mean anyone can be a little bitter about anything and people will tend to I guess "cheer on" for lack of a better word, what ever it is that is similar to them. People will also talk down and generalize about things that were bothering them. Some few are quite lost in it and serious, but overall I think others are just venting and don't mean anything too harshly by it. I see it as just sharing disadvantages/ideas with people that may have a similar view of things.

People who are NT do the same thing about what they do/like, it just may not be as noticeable sometimes... or maybe if your different than they are you don't notice, because in your head your thinking what ever it is that they think makes them better is actually rather silly. Either that or when they are talking up something, they are more cheerful, while keeping their unhappiness/bitterness more hidden, so you don't get to hear them talk bitterly about stuff.

Also people are prone to want to be near people more like them, nothing bad about that, but it's good to stay open minded about different types of people.. you never know who could end up being pretty neat.