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Snowy Owl
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16 Nov 2011, 9:07 am

These are probably the most dangerous and miserable drugs out there - more dangerous than heroine! Stay away at all costs, unless you like the idea of dying and/or having severe and permanent problems with your body. Most doctors don't know s**t about them either, which doesn't help.


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16 Nov 2011, 9:21 am

Yes I read the side effects of the main one Risperdal-I don't want to be medicated-someone somewhere said-"What do you get when you give drugs to medicate and aspie? A drugged up aspie!"

No Pain.-No Pain!! !!


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16 Nov 2011, 11:03 am

Yeah , Im on that junk , well , I used to but I stopped taking it because it makes me feal depressed ( I still have a bottle of that s**t somewhere), like I m melting in misery and cry for no reson , like during a kids movie or something . My shrink perscribed 2 a night to help me go to bed and such but it made me sleep in the next day, I felt like I was hungover when I woke up .People have allways called me either a psycho or a tard , either directly or "politlely " ,you know in the way that "grownups" like teachers can ,indirectly and politically correct , I (basically ) got expelled from 2 schools ( well ,lets just say I was made to know that I wasnt welcome there anymore ) and went through some "counciling " (which was actually okay) . I had (and have ) these strange impulses to do and say .....stupid and spontanious things , you know , like the way that random punk kids or class clowns do .I had few friends and the few people I hung out with were worse than me ( Im not really THAT much of a punk myself , but Ive always attracted wierdos and REAL rogueish types ) and I felt terrible . I couldnt even GET ALONG with ANY clique at school , nor most of the teachers or staff .Everyone hated me and I learned to hate everyone . I did things subconciously to repell people ,never had a girlfriend ( I was scared of girls but was still sexually interested in them , you know like nerds are ,lol) and I got terrible grades (Especially in math were I messed up because I answered the questions right but didnt show the steps I took to get to them ) . I felt ret*d or psychotic like those kids who end up shooting up the school . My parents and some psychologists insisted that I was fine , alot of kids go through this stuff ,yada yada yada.....No , I WASNT fine ! Normal kids dont advoid people or not do their homework due to a deep depression and fealing of worthlessness . Sitting around for hours doing NOTHING ,not playing video games nothing ( I only had 1 game , Pokemon, thats all my parents would allow) , not watching tv nothing , not smoking pot in a basement with friends nothing , but LITERALLY NOTHING , just listening to rock music on the radio ,staring in to space daydreaming ( about negitivity and depression) . IS THIS AUTISM? Is this aspergers syndrom ? I wanted it to stop , I wanted to lose my "will" and become a zombie , to be initiated into "normal people world " as just another robot with normal emotions ,normal intelligence , a normal girlfriend , normal grades and normal friends .I met one of my "friends" from my middle school (as much as a crazy , irrational lunatic who does things for the sake of "because it was fun" ) on the bus one day ,and ,Oh god , he "found God " ( in that creepy southern baptist-y way ,mind you , lol)and got on riddline . He was calm , rational (too rational , in the way that Vulcans are ) ,emotionless , and mindless. In otherwords ,he was a boring zombie , but ,Hey ,he got things done .Is this what drugged up "crazy people "are like ,Radiofixr? Is that the way that I looked on Risperdal ? Funny , I got my wish for a while on Risperdal ,but it seems that anti depressant drugs (or other ant psychotic drugs for that matter) back fire on aspies and many depressed people . Are the kids who commit suicide on anti psychotics aspies ? Its ironic ,really ,that anti psychotics have the reverse effect alot of the times . I wouldnt be well off if I were on meds like that for years , It would ruin me . I guess the best thing to do is just to deal with my "chemical inbalance " because ,as a psychology prof . once said , " herbal drugs are much less harmful than manufactured drugs " and that she didnt believe in meds ,you had to will your self to overcome your problems .She didnt EXACTLY say "smoke weed instead of meds " but if she were a psychiatrist ( she didnt believe in "pharma" drugs meaning artifical) she would prescibe it ( maybe ,maybe not ).


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16 Nov 2011, 11:11 am

Everybody reacts differently to medications. For me, antipsychotics, especially Risperdal, worked very well and did not give me any side effects.

Reality is a nice place but I wouldn't want to live there

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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16 Nov 2011, 11:20 am

gramirez wrote:
Everybody reacts differently to medications. For me, antipsychotics, especially Risperdal, worked very well and did not give me any side effects.
Same happened to me, at first anyway. How long have you been taking it? Deadly side effects sometimes don't come up until much later.


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16 Nov 2011, 3:23 pm

I don't like the way anti psychotics are pushed on people. I think some people can benefit but definitely not everyone. I think that unless someone is extremely suicidal or violent they should be a last resort. I think we need to broaden our horizons and look for better ways to help people with ASDs and Mental illness. I'm pretty non compliant when it comes to meds but at the same time I do other things to look after myself and I find it works better for me than what our current corrupt psychiatric practice is offering.


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16 Nov 2011, 4:46 pm

LjosalfrBlot wrote:
gramirez wrote:
Everybody reacts differently to medications. For me, antipsychotics, especially Risperdal, worked very well and did not give me any side effects.
Same happened to me, at first anyway. How long have you been taking it? Deadly side effects sometimes don't come up until much later.

I had taken it for about a year, but I haven't taken it in almost two years. When we added an anxiety med, the two meds caused an interaction. My doctor and I felt it was more important to control the anxiety, so we dropped the Risperdal. I would not hesitate to take Risperdal again.

Reality is a nice place but I wouldn't want to live there


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16 Nov 2011, 9:21 pm

LjosalfrBlot wrote:
These are probably the most dangerous and miserable drugs out there - more dangerous than heroine! Stay away at all costs, unless you like the idea of dying and/or having severe and permanent problems with your body. Most doctors don't know sh** about them either, which doesn't help.

Antipsychotics don't generally kill you (unlike, say, demon lithium, which can be quite dangerous), but there can be problems with extended use such as tremors and nerve damage. The only fatal side effects for a normal dose I can think of for antipsychotics, the ones I've been on anyway, are anaphylaxis and Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, which is very rare.


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17 Nov 2011, 12:11 am

I don't like anti psychotics because they have made me gain around 60-80 pounds in the last 5 years. I am just very fat. Also the ones that don't cause me to gain weight make me very tired and all I do is want to sleep 12-14 hours a day and when I had to take some in the morning I slept an additional 3-4 hours in a day. This pill made me sleep up to 18 hours in a day! By the way even though weight gain isn't truly a side effect of Loxapine (the poison that I am on now) sleeping all day can make you gain weight. Also I was on many other anti psychotics before the Loxapine. During stressful times and when under a lot of anxiety, the pill doesn't help with the psychosis as much as it should anyways. During normal times it is better but since May not totally gone. Mine is stress and anxiety based though. That causes or makes more likely the psychosis. Sometimes I get problems without anxiety, however. Most of the time I go to sleep at 10pm and get up around 10-11am. That is unless I have an appointment earlier in the morning. Like for example when I have to go into my brother's work I have to get up at 7:10 am. On Wednesdays I have to get up at 9am. All this might sound late to most but for me because of my poisonous pills I need so many hours of sleep. Some days it takes hours to get out of bed. I do suffer from depression as well but I know the tiredness is due to the anti psychotic because when I took it in the morning that is when I literally slept the entire day away. The only times I would get up is to eat and if we had to go places. If we stayed home all day I wouldn't even get dressed. I hate taking my poison because that is what it really is.


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17 Nov 2011, 1:49 am

I have been on Risperdal since I was 15, and it has not caused me any problems. I take it before I go to bed and it helps me to sleep at night. It also took away my intrusive thoughts and helped my mind to stop racing.

In addition to Risperdal, I also take Xanax and Lexapro and they do not negatively interact with each other.


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18 Nov 2011, 5:15 am

I don't feel the right side of my face really anymore. I have paresthisias all the time there.
I also have a spasm on the right eye (Blepharospasm).
All from Promethazine since a bit less than a year.
(It has a strong sedative effect and in some countries is prescribed for insomnia when benzodiazepines are contraindicated)

Noone knows if this will ever go away. Noone toled me that this can happen! :cry:

Risperdal also didn't work with me. I was overloaded all the time, but didn't recognize it anymore right. I feelt like locked out of my brain and I walked strange with that stuff. I feelt like a robot.

Never ever that crab again!

"I'm astounded by people who want to 'know' the universe when it's hard enough to find your way around Chinatown." - Woody Allen

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18 Nov 2011, 10:20 am

Don't necessarily heed the OP's warming. Everybody is different.

I was prescribed Abilify after going off Clozaril (which sedated me while making me more anxious) and it helped greatly while not causing much weight gain. Seroquel was added for anxiety and does a great job. I don't feel all that sedated... but did get about a 12 lb weight gain, which is O.K. with me.

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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19 Nov 2011, 8:46 am

LjosalfrBlot wrote:
gramirez wrote:
How long have you been taking it? Deadly side effects sometimes don't come up until much later.

Where is your evidence? Have you died?


But I am curious about what these deadly side effects are, how long it takes them to develop, and at what dosages.


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19 Nov 2011, 5:18 pm

Antipsychotics have the worst side-effect profile of all the psychiatric drugs. I was on Risperdal for six months as a teen. Developed high blood pressure, uncontrollable muscle spasms, got loads of acne and gained 45 pounds while on it. After I stopped taking it, I went back to being skinny, had normal blood pressure again, my face cleared up, and the muscle spasms stopped. Unless you're in the midst of extreme psychosis, stay away from risperidone!

Snowy Owl
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19 Nov 2011, 6:54 pm

Well so much for the light at the end of the tunnel... LOL

I guess I'll stick to cigarettes. Ha ha haha


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19 Nov 2011, 8:29 pm

What about dieting? has anyone tried dieting? I've read a lot of cool studies where people with Autism/schizophrenia and related disorders did slightly or a lot better with the right diet. So I'm going to give it a shot. If that doesn't work then I might have to consider pharmacology, but for now I'm going to try this GAPS diet out (list of foods to eat/avoid)
I've also been self medicating for depression with 5HTP and taking a niacin supplement for my paranoia it's not a cure by far but it does help a little bit. hopefully this and dieting will help me beat my IBS too.
If my cognitive function improves at all on the diet I'll let people know.