Unknown wrote:
my compaq 7470
AMD k6 533mhz,256 mb ram (shows 248 mb ram for some reason),trident intergrated video
20GB hard drive,intergrated sound
IT is junk.
I play games on my moms dell,My future pc will have
Core 2 duo E6600
2 GIGs ram
160gb hdd
7900GTX or 7950GT or 7950GX2 (I need at least 512mb+ Video card.)
Creative sound blaster audigy sound card.
A 7900GTX? Thats massive over kill. My 7600gs runs all the latest games on max settings with no lag at 1280x1024 resolution. Oblivion, need for speed most wanted etc. If your moving from a AMD k6 or some sh***y dell to that computer you will be blown away. Im amazed at the performance difference between my 2.4ghz Pentium 4 and this Intel Core2 duo.
How far away are you from getting your new computer? Intel I think is going to release quad cores within a years time i think.
Unfortunately being human is a genetic disorder, and ultimately fatal.