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Snowy Owl
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22 Nov 2011, 3:59 pm

I have a sense of humour, I understand some people are limited in this area, but I like to think I have a good sense of humour, although it's not what you'd entirely consider mainstream, and sometimes, well, it's just awful!

It's difficult to actually explain it.

When I am joking (or at least attempting to) I have learned that a sarcastic approach is best, my voice is monotone and my facial expressions arent great, so this means that the delivery of any jokes is really dry.

However, if I try to tell a joke that isnt sarcastic, I can't really pull it off - even if it's something I find funny...

I also have creative ideas at times for funny pranks - they're hit or miss with people...

And my sense of humour has excessively offended people on occaisions...

Can anyone relate?

What is your sense of humour like?


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22 Nov 2011, 4:06 pm


It gets me into trouble a lot. :?


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22 Nov 2011, 4:11 pm

My sense of humor is a bit off and somewhat blunt and offensive at times.


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22 Nov 2011, 4:18 pm

Very influenced by Pterry.


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22 Nov 2011, 4:23 pm

Sarcastic and ironic. People often don't realize I'm joking and I have to tell them. As for telling jokes, I always mess up the timing and wording; I don't attempt them any more.


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22 Nov 2011, 4:25 pm

My sense of humour is all right, although sometimes it can be annoying for other people (depending on the person really).

Sometimes I like to use different words for things, like for example I have found myself calling the job centre ''the job obligator'' because they oblige you to get a job, so technically it's true, but one of my friends didn't want it to be called that, and she sighed and said, ''it's the job centre - it's called the job centre.'' That's where I think that NTs can be a bit logical - well not all but some serious types seem to just use the same old boring words just because it's the original word, but sometimes I like to change words around. It makes me laugh if others do it, and it makes some people laugh when I do it.

Also I laugh at almost everything. If somebody else is laughing, I will laugh too. If I don't think it's funny, I still grin to acknowledge that they've said something funny, because there is nothing worse than laughing when somebody else is pulling an aloof type of expression on their face. I feel like saying, ''lighten up a bit! Even if you don't think it's funny, you could at least smile.''

Sometimes I reckon it's my sense of humour that keeps my friendships together. I have come across weird to people, but when I make them laugh it seems that they don't care how weird I am and they decide to like me. It happened once at school. I had a friend turn round to me and say, ''I don't want to be friends with you any more'', but later on in the classroom I was making another person laugh and the friend that fell out with me was obviously overhearing, and at the end of the lesson she came upto me and said, ''sorry about what I said earlier, I totally take that back.'' And we've been friends since!



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22 Nov 2011, 4:55 pm

The only way I can think of to describe my sense of humor is to list some of the variety of people, TV shows, and movies I find funny.

Steven Wright
Mitch Hedburg
Bill Cosby
George Carlin
Monty Python
Hugh Laurie (In just about any role)
Steve Martin
Robin Williams
Jonathan Winters
Zach Galifianakis (his heckler clips are the best)

TV Shows:
The Big Bang Theory
Everybody Loves Raymond
Any Bob Newhart Show, but especially the original
That Seventies Show
(Leno bores the hell out of me)
The Daily Show (John Stewart is a genius)

The Ref
Two if by Sea
Holy Grail
I'm having a terrible time remembering movie names.

If I ever manage to make people laugh at all, it's only people I know really well, so that takes a few months. When it does come, it's always dry, unexpected one liners, usually about people right there. Sarcastic digs. I think the only real reason people laugh with me (as opposed to AT me), is just because nobody expects it. It's random, out of the blue, and rare. I don't overdo it because it starts flopping pretty quickly if I just keep going. Bring 'em to tears and choking, then let 'em be for a while.

I'm not likely to be around much longer. As before when I first signed up here years ago, I'm finding that after a long hiatus, and after only a few days back on here, I'm spending way too much time here again already. So I'm requesting my account be locked, banned or whatever. It's just time. Until then, well, I dunno...


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22 Nov 2011, 5:08 pm

I'm not funny.

Snowy Owl
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22 Nov 2011, 5:25 pm

I have a bit of a dark/warped sense of humor (ie, a horse walks into a bar, sits down and orders a drink. The bartender looks at him, grinning smugly, and asks "why the long face Mr. Horse?" The horse answers, "I have AIDS"), so I avoid making jokes around people I don't know well, since it seems to be a bit off-putting among people who don't have the same sort of humor . Also, as seems to be a common theme in this thread, I have a very deadpan delivery, which seems to makes it funnier if you get the joke, but completely humorless if you don't.


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22 Nov 2011, 5:36 pm

My sense of humour is horribly dark and indefensible, but it's the only one I have and I'm sticking with it.

Chances are, if you're offended by something I said, it was an attempt at humour.


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22 Nov 2011, 6:24 pm

I do a lot of what Joe90 described. I also pun a lot and say really silly things, making up obviously ridiculous stuff, so that it's clear I'm only kidding. I'm a goofball. I often bounce around a lot and smile, just because I'm in a happy, silly mood. I don't generally poke fun at anyone, unless I know for certain that person will enjoy a bit of ribbing or it's somebody like a famous politician who will likely never know or care what I said. I don't usually like to be nasty behind anyone's back, though I'm not perfect. Sometimes I privately use humor to blow off steam. But I don't want to do something to someone that I wouldn't want done to me, so I generally try to be nice to people and not get in their faces and hurt them.

People generally find my humor inoffensive. This was not always true, but I've learned to get better at joking around. Also, if a joke simply falls flat, I shrug and move on or joke about my joke falling flat. I've noticed others doing this, and it seems to keep people from being uncomfortable.

I've also learned this valuable lesson: If you do or say something silly and people laugh, don't do it again (at least with the same people). It's funny the first time. After that, it's lame.

Humor helps me cope in social settings, reducing my stress because it gives me something acceptable to do. I'm kind of known for my humor, though most people don't know the purpose it serves for me. I can use it in many situations in which I feel generally tense, uncertain about what to do, or lost as to what's going on. It's like a reset button. After I do it, I often feel okay again and can cope for a while.

Life is a classroom for a mind without walls.

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22 Nov 2011, 6:33 pm

Ironically enough, I'm pretty sarcastic when it comes to humor. I've been called witty a couple of times.

Not that I joke all the time. People, ironic again, can't tell the difference sometimes.

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22 Nov 2011, 6:39 pm

shrox wrote:
I'm not funny.

Liar! shrox is hilarious.

I laugh at a lot of things, it is healthy for me mentally in many ways. It doesn't exactly share with others very well, though.

My humor is very dry. An arid wasteland of deadpan. I am sarcastic and people think I'm serious. Doesn't work well, except with my sibs. Conversely, I often miss other people's sarcasm entirely.

I make a lot of joke references that other people don't get. Many of them literary, like references to Aesop or the classics.

So I resort to very corny, literal jokes. And puns. Groaners.

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22 Nov 2011, 6:44 pm

Sarcasm (sometimes not on purpose) and plain lame jokes such as this one:

Q. How does an octopus go into battle?
A. Well armed!

and this one:

So a baby seal walks into a club.....


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22 Nov 2011, 7:54 pm

Overall, I don't know. I guess the the kind of jokes I usually come up with involve ludicrous "reasoning" and obvious logical errors. And also ribbing people who I know/knew well (er, not that there's many of those, these days).

I.e. there's someone I used to know who is apparently kind of "low functioning," nowadays. If I saw them again I'd probably at some point rib them that they're "low functioning" and that that means that they are closer to the devil. Why closer to the devil? The devil is in Hell, Hell is underground, low is closer to underground. Therefore LF = closer to the devil. Q.E.D.

In a weird way my jokes often turn out to be smarter than I am, though. It's like it shortcuts around my cognitive problems compared to if I go straight at a subject. Like with the above joke, as I understand it there is no definition of "low functioning," so people actually do end up making up whatever definition they feel like. But that connection didn't occur to me until after the joke came to mind.

There was also a satirical "journal article" that I wrote many years for a site about "neurotypical syndrome." I saw someone comment that it was insightful in a way that I wasn't at all aware of when I wrote it. I cranked it out in 20 minutes with little thought to it besides making it humorous.

I've always liked comedy, though I've probably seen less than a true affecionado. I think I learned a lot about conversational as well as comedic timing that way.

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22 Nov 2011, 8:09 pm


I'm regularly (relatively) told that my audience can't tell if I'm joking or serious.