Here's a big f*****g middle finger to the world

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24 Nov 2011, 12:56 pm

I've known for the longest time what a f****d up world this is to live in, but for some reason I've never really gotten jaded by it. Matter of fact I find myself feeling more and more disgusted by the stupidity and arrogance that runs rampant in society as the years pass by. Yeah that's all there really is to this thread, I don't know what else to say other than I've felt this way for the longest time and I don't think I'll ever get used to it.

Snowy Owl
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24 Nov 2011, 12:58 pm

AceOfSpades wrote:
I've known for the longest time what a f**** up world this is to live in, but for some reason I've never really gotten jaded by it. Matter of fact I find myself feeling more and more disgusted by the stupidity and arrogance that runs rampant in society as the years pass by. Yeah that's all there really is to this thread, I don't know what else to say other than I've felt this way for the longest time and I don't think I'll ever get used to it.

Stop believing you have to care or pay attention to the world at all. That's the lie of the egalitarians and Pinkos, that other people are our problem. Screw them. I care about me, and everything else is contributory to that. If it doesn't affect me meaningfully and/or I don't have plausible influence over it, it doesn't matter.

The world isn't 'f****d up', you have nothing to compare it to. It's the only world you do and ever will know. That's like saying 'The Universe is small', it's meaningless.

Personally, I don't care about starving kids in Africa, Neo-Nazis, alcoholic wife beaters or child molestors. Because I don't know any of them.


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24 Nov 2011, 1:25 pm

StonedMoonie wrote:
AceOfSpades wrote:
I've known for the longest time what a f**** up world this is to live in, but for some reason I've never really gotten jaded by it. Matter of fact I find myself feeling more and more disgusted by the stupidity and arrogance that runs rampant in society as the years pass by. Yeah that's all there really is to this thread, I don't know what else to say other than I've felt this way for the longest time and I don't think I'll ever get used to it.

Stop believing you have to care or pay attention to the world at all. That's the lie of the egalitarians and Pinkos, that other people are our problem. Screw them. I care about me, and everything else is contributory to that. If it doesn't affect me meaningfully and/or I don't have plausible influence over it, it doesn't matter.

The world isn't 'f**** up', you have nothing to compare it to. It's the only world you do and ever will know. That's like saying 'The Universe is small', it's meaningless.

Personally, I don't care about starving kids in Africa, Neo-Nazis, alcoholic wife beaters or child molestors. Because I don't know any of them.
Cool story bro.


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24 Nov 2011, 1:53 pm

You'll feel better when you stop caring.

I used to terrorize my co-workers with my insistence on doing things the right way from the start. This resulted in a couple of "Needs Improvement" work reviews. That was five years ago. One of my coworkers remarked the other day that I had become nicer and more fun to be around. I told him that I had stopped caring so much about other people's screw-ups, and started focusing more about eliminating errors in my own work.

Three co-workers have been let go since I stopped caring, and my work reviews no longer say that I need to improve.

Happiness Though Indifference - it works for me!


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24 Nov 2011, 2:05 pm

I could see why AceOfSpades feels that way though, being a smart person in a dumb society. It's easy to say "don't care about what others do" but if it interferes with you or it interferes with others, you kinda have to care. Especially in a situation where you have to see these people every day. Indifference usually just leads to worse happenings overall. Can indifference work? Yeah but the people you're dealing with have to be at least somewhat smart and not buy completely into society. It's a rare breed to find, for example, a company that would fire people for messing up these days. Usually the person would have to commit theft or threaten the higher-ups to get sacked.

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24 Nov 2011, 2:27 pm

StonedMoonie wrote:
AceOfSpades wrote:
I've known for the longest time what a f**** up world this is to live in, but for some reason I've never really gotten jaded by it. Matter of fact I find myself feeling more and more disgusted by the stupidity and arrogance that runs rampant in society as the years pass by. Yeah that's all there really is to this thread, I don't know what else to say other than I've felt this way for the longest time and I don't think I'll ever get used to it.

Stop believing you have to care or pay attention to the world at all. That's the lie of the egalitarians and Pinkos, that other people are our problem. Screw them. I care about me, and everything else is contributory to that. If it doesn't affect me meaningfully and/or I don't have plausible influence over it, it doesn't matter.

The world isn't 'f**** up', you have nothing to compare it to. It's the only world you do and ever will know. That's like saying 'The Universe is small', it's meaningless.

Personally, I don't care about starving kids in Africa, Neo-Nazis, alcoholic wife beaters or child molestors. Because I don't know any of them.

Yeah the world is a little bit f*cked up.........and the people we have running things have the same attitude you do, that tells me that maybe not giving a f*ck about the world you live in might not be a very good idea. But hey, to each their own.

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24 Nov 2011, 2:28 pm

DialAForAwesome wrote:
I could see why AceOfSpades feels that way though, being a smart person in a dumb society. It's easy to say "don't care about what others do" but if it interferes with you or it interferes with others, you kinda have to care. Especially in a situation where you have to see these people every day. Indifference usually just leads to worse happenings overall. Can indifference work? Yeah but the people you're dealing with have to be at least somewhat smart and not buy completely into society. It's a rare breed to find, for example, a company that would fire people for messing up these days. Usually the person would have to commit theft or threaten the higher-ups to get sacked.

Well not to mention most people are humans, and its easier said then done to be totally indifferent to everything.

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Snowy Owl
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24 Nov 2011, 2:34 pm

Can indifference work? Yeah but the people you're dealing with have to be at least somewhat smart and not buy completely into society.

Which is why I only socially interact with my best friends who are all a bunch of nihilists and libertarians. You don't have to actually interact with people at work or school except on a formal level.

I can't speak for everyone, but I find I have so little interest in most people that this isn't at all hard.


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24 Nov 2011, 4:14 pm

I don't find the world that way at all. I believe that 95% of the people 95% of the time are trying their best with the resources - intelligence, time commitments, environment, financial resources etc - that they have at their disposal.

I think the trouble is that once people form an opinion they tend to notice and recall evidence that backs up that opinion, and reject or forget evidence that contradicts it. (This is called a person's 'core constructs' and is a well researched area in psychology).

Maybe we are both doing that, but I reckon my way makes the world a nicer place to live in :)



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25 Nov 2011, 11:35 am

DialAForAwesome wrote:
I could see why AceOfSpades feels that way though, being a smart person in a dumb society. It's easy to say "don't care about what others do" but if it interferes with you or it interferes with others, you kinda have to care. Especially in a situation where you have to see these people every day. Indifference usually just leads to worse happenings overall. Can indifference work? Yeah but the people you're dealing with have to be at least somewhat smart and not buy completely into society. It's a rare breed to find, for example, a company that would fire people for messing up these days. Usually the person would have to commit theft or threaten the higher-ups to get sacked.
Exactly. I would be able to ignore other people's stupidity and arrogance if they were the only ones that had to suffer from it.

btw guys I wasn't bitching about things going on all over the world or about the system. I'm not trying to tackle anything that big, I'm just bitching about people in general. Maybe I expect too much from other people, I don't know. I can be arrogant and stupid at times but I am at least able to keep myself in check and admit when I'm wrong rather than rationalize it. Is it really unreasonable to be fed up with the fact that being a stupid degenerate is glorified in society?

Anyways I feel a lot better today. I guess I was painting a lot of people with the same brush out of frustration, but it still stands that this type of crap is glorified in society.


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25 Nov 2011, 3:00 pm

wp should have a finger to the world icon. it would get used a lot. i totally agree with you.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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23 Dec 2011, 3:55 pm

AceOfSpades wrote:
I've known for the longest time what a f**** up world this is to live in, but for some reason I've never really gotten jaded by it. Matter of fact I find myself feeling more and more disgusted by the stupidity and arrogance that runs rampant in society as the years pass by. Yeah that's all there really is to this thread, I don't know what else to say other than I've felt this way for the longest time and I don't think I'll ever get used to it.

On that note ...

So there I was, at a "Leader Training" camp (e.g. to learn to become a summer camp minder). Me and another trainee had snuck into the woods for a toke or three after drinking a few pints with the gun range master. Yes indeed, this was a real buttoned down sort of camp (not!). After that I went to join a seminar (I was at a creative peak after the pot). The other trainee went off for more nefarious activity. He was found somewhere he should not have been, and was "grounded" in the cabin. I will never forget hearing the shout of "F---- the world" coming from that cabin.

So now, whenever I get a certain feeling, in the depths of disgust at the Yang / Koyanasqatsi (sp?) NT world, I simply recall that guy shouting "F---- the world!" - its cathartic to say the least. Indeed - F---- the world! :pirat:


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23 Dec 2011, 4:09 pm

AceOfSpades wrote:
Is it really unreasonable to be fed up with the fact that being a stupid degenerate is glorified in society?

Nope--I've been fed up with that for a long time, and still have the urge to do something about it--maybe that's why I'm a teacher.

AceOfSpades wrote:
Anyways I feel a lot better today. I guess I was painting a lot of people with the same brush out of frustration, but it still stands that this type of crap is glorified in society.

Two words: REALITY SHOWS. :roll:

I think I'll watch IDIOCRACY now.

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23 Dec 2011, 7:35 pm

AceOfSpades wrote:
I've known for the longest time what a f**** up world this is to live in, but for some reason I've never really gotten jaded by it. Matter of fact I find myself feeling more and more disgusted by the stupidity and arrogance that runs rampant in society as the years pass by. Yeah that's all there really is to this thread, I don't know what else to say other than I've felt this way for the longest time and I don't think I'll ever get used to it.

I am so very sorry that the world has not met with your expectations. Maybe you should have been around when it was created, non?


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25 Dec 2011, 12:12 pm

Fnord, I'm with you on this one. I am not a Christian or am I religious but since discovering this quote I've found I am a happier person in general: "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; the courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference."

So now, everytime I find myself harping on something I cant change, I say "F*** it, who gives a s**t" and I've found it helps me, but to each their own. With that said, I agree that sometimes it can be cathartic to raise a big middle finger to the world. Just try not to let that anger fester for too long. Anger is ok, anger all the time is not.


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25 Dec 2011, 12:44 pm

MeloJag wrote:
Fnord, I'm with you on this one. I am not a Christian or am I religious but since discovering this quote I've found I am a happier person in general: "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; the courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference."

So now, everytime I find myself harping on something I cant change, I say "F*** it, who gives a s**t" and I've found it helps me, but to each their own. With that said, I agree that sometimes it can be cathartic to raise a big middle finger to the world. Just try not to let that anger fester for too long. Anger is ok, anger all the time is not.
I am pretty much angry most of the time, usually over things either beyond my control or things that push my limit on how much I can control. I don't know though, I can't just accept things. How do I keep my cool? The obvious answer would be "Just accept things" but that's just circular logic. I want to actually know how to get there.

Fnord wrote:
AceOfSpades wrote:
I've known for the longest time what a f**** up world this is to live in, but for some reason I've never really gotten jaded by it. Matter of fact I find myself feeling more and more disgusted by the stupidity and arrogance that runs rampant in society as the years pass by. Yeah that's all there really is to this thread, I don't know what else to say other than I've felt this way for the longest time and I don't think I'll ever get used to it.

I am so very sorry that the world has not met with your expectations. Maybe you should have been around when it was created, non?
Uh ok maybe one of the reasons I'm fed up is because we've came so far and yet our own arrogance and stupidity holds progress back?