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02 Dec 2011, 11:01 pm

Ugh. This is horrible...


Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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03 Dec 2011, 1:17 am

All this stuff flew by me fast. Where to begin...
Hm. But you know what that leads me to be curious about?
I never bothered to until now to want to read that appeal that comes at the top when you enter the homepage, and even stays there when you're looking at articles. Could they be wanting people to sign an appeal because they want to protect the right to those who want to contribute to subject information that was taken possibly from other sources--perhaps online--and either citate or not?
Where did our rights go as human beings with freedom to choose to make or break the internet by learning not to pirate by personal self control?
If you agree with this, you need to watch this video. you won't regret it, and if you don't have time right away go to the end of the vid and subscribe, their channel is TheYoungTurks.
I mean, what will the government censor next?


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18 Jan 2012, 10:08 pm


Why was nobody paying attention to this a month ago?