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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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Joined: 17 Aug 2011
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08 Dec 2011, 10:58 pm

I dunno if this is the right forum or if this is a bit personal( nothing sexual) but I need some opinions and or recommendations on this..
I dunno how many of you out there have never worked but ever since I WAS able to work( 16 so the say..) I have been unable to find ANY job..Now I am an electronics wiz and a amateur chemist of almost a decade..I am a walking chemist/RF shop among other academic issues..But no matter what I do or who I talk to I can't find work..
I went to a DOL work evaluation program and that went really well there but the moment I try to apply elsewhere? Anywhere else? not a single call back. I do not know what I am doing wrong..maybe my AS IS as bad as I think it is..
but bear in mind this as well: I had had to take care of my mother until she died.While I can say I was there when she went home( Heaven, to any wondering)I couldn't build any work experience given how demanding that is. I had been a bona fide care taker for her from 1997 to 2010.adding to that now my father is ill( not as bad thankfully)... I am indeed a High school graduate.. with a dual prep diploma if that helps.But with a piss poor resume( again being a HAM radio operator and a draftsman are nice to say but they want degrees and poor men have trouble paying for those..)nothing seems to pan out. My question is this: would I be better of trying to start a tube electronics repair business?OR can I actually get disability with AS? what would help me get disability? or should I keep going to college and fight like hell to work up to a chemical engineering degree? what do you recommend?


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09 Dec 2011, 1:28 am

Definitely, definitely, DEFINITELY go to college. Jobs will like you a lot better if you go to college, and you'll have even more experience working your ass off.

And how is that personal? It just seems normal.


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09 Dec 2011, 4:25 am

If ANYONE is given the choice of going to college and anything else, the choice should always be to better yourself. This is what college is. I can reassure you that your life will be easier with a college degree.

This is coming from someone who got her 3rd bachelors degree when she(I) was 43.

My whole life has been an exercise in original thinking. While I was looking in vain for the answers in books, I found them within myself.