Dear Mom22Aspies,
You are not a failure! Any mother who (like you clearly are) is trying to do everything she can to do to do the best for her children is the furthest thing from a failure in parenting! As a young women with Asperger's and ADHD (I'm 22), I have gone through some really, awful, painful periods in my life, despite having a wonderful mother who loves the bones of me, mostly because of other people's ignorance and misunderstanding of the way I am and the way I think. But it's not all doom and gloom, because thankfully like I said, I have brilliant mum who's supported me through everything and now I'm in my second year of a degree course at university, with the prospect of becoming a children's play therapist in the future . Both of your children are two, unique individuals who, despite how 'different' they may seem to the outside world, are just like any other child in their need for a good mother who loves them unconditionally no matter what! I could sit here and tell you about my own experiences till I'm blue in the face, and whilst they may have some similarties to those of your own children, the bottom line is we are all different and nothing will effect anyone in quite the same way as it will anyone else! The best thing you can do is stick to your motherly instinct (as my mum always did), be there for them when they need you and try and support them in the best way that you can. It is so easy to let the fact that a child has autism or asperger's overshadow that they are first and foremost a child and as important as it is to be aware of their differences, please don't ever think that it's not ok or that you have to apologise for the way they are because every child is brilliant in their own way! The key to understanding them is just by understanding and celebrating their individuality! My mother did that with me, despite what anyone else thought, and it is that which ultimately gets me through the tough times, knowing that there is at least one person in the world who appreciates me for exactly what I am and would not have me any other way. That is the most important thing you can do for you babies! Hope that has helped
CagedBird x