Jory wrote:
Maybe ten years ago when I was 18 and weighed 135 lbs...
yes, you were a looker

Jory wrote:
...but right now, on a good day I look like Seth Rogen. (I don't have any recent pics online and my digital camera is broke, sorry.) Straight women just seem to care more about personality than looks. Every time I'm in public, I see a hot piece of ass with her arm around a shaved ape. That ape probably has something interesting to talk about every now and then and doesn't ask her to make him a sandwich after sex.
shaved ape

but they put up a good alpha male act.

i don't look like i did, either.

youth is wasted on the young. the gay world can be a cold place, in my experience.
Jory wrote:
I would make an awesome boyfriend for a straight girl. Gay guys, on the other hand, in general put looks first and anything else is a very distant second.
i'm sure you would.