Need an Advocate in Los Angeles, CA
I've been so sick but unable to communicate it right for too long. I was doing fine on my own, even with trying to diagnose and recover from a chronic inflammatory condition, but my landlord assaulted me in April and injured, I shut down. Struggling to get protection legally failed so I moved out in June. I have been homeless since. Camping two months with a job that ended in my tent destruction, in a trailer in someone's backyard for almost 4 months 1.5 months at a 16% angle they didn't fix, finally out to my car when in desperation at 112lbs, and then friend's couches and resorting back to my ex's since with an attempt at a shelter in downtown LA. I haven't been able to work since July. My health has only degraded faster since the assault in April. I've been through ER 4 times, and patiently through the free clinic for over a year with no diagnosis. My attempt at getting help from mental health clinics failed and I distrust them. The shelter set off my triggers, I'm better off in my car. But I keep staying at friends or my ex-bf who doesn't understand I don't want to be touched instead who all leave tvs on all the time so that I stay indoors out of the cold. I'm too triggered to function like I need to and need help. I've done everything everyone told me to do. Everyone has told me to go to someone else.
Who do I go to?
I have no diagnosis, mental or physical. I haven't been able to function to apply for aid.
Help Me Please.
I'm scared. I've done a lot and I'm doing as much as I can. But I'm getting lost in the broken system and I'm running out of energy to do it for myself. I'm so tired.