I like being aspie...now that I know what I am. Before I was diagnosed, I was just weird and alone but now I know that I am different than others and I am more than okay with that!
Most humans are disappointing to me. In fact, every man I have ever dated seriously has, at some point, told me that "I have unrealistic expectations of people." To which my response is invariably "I expect nothing of others that I, myself don't do on a daily basis" i.e.
1. Be honest and;
2. Follow-through on promises unless there is a reasonable mitigating factor involved preventing me from following-though.
To NT's, those two things seem impossible to do all (or even most) of the time. At some point, they seem to all make promises that they do not intend to keep or say nice (or mean) things that they do not actually mean.
It would be terrible trying to live with myself if I regularly compromised my integrity as do many NT aquaintances. Poor emotionally-drivien souls.
Very well put. I would only add that aspies naturally see the emperor is walking around naked as a jaybird; only the bravest and smartest normal people do. Normal people seem to subconsciously block out anything not consistent with social expectations or norms. Aspies have to work hard at being this obtuse. We're at a huge advantage when we don't though.