Tequila wrote:
I quite like the anal rape theory. I think probably in centuries gone by, religion - or rather, the religion practised by the louder, battier fundamentalist types - may have been a good excuse. But I think in the modern-day it's lots and lots of different things all melded together in one large mass.
The thing is, from what I can tell, a lot of gay people aren't mad into anal in any case.
(Sorry, it feels like I'm stalking you. Which I probably am. Sorry.)
I think it has melded into one large mass, as well. What I want to ascertain is the root of the matter. I think anti-homosexual passages in religious texts only serve to reinforce something that already exists in the human psyche - something which I do not understand.
I think it has a lot to do with how society reinforces gender roles. It may have changed in the last 50 or so years, but for hundreds of years, the dominant narrative of Western culture is that men have sex with women. If a man has sex with a man, he's doing something that
women are supposed to do - which challenges his 'place' in society as a man. Ditto for female homosexuality.
In Ancient Greece, as in other societies where male homosexuality is not disapproved of, it was actually seen as more 'manly' for a man to fancy men. They didn't have this concept that male homosexuality = anal sex, either (but they did greatly diapprove of any man who practice passive anal sex - that was seen as feminising). I honestly don't know why people fixate on the anal sex aspect of male homosexuality, but I suspect it's because it's a fear common to heterosexual men, which I won't understand because I am not one.
I don't think you're stalking me.
Zombies, zombies will tear us apart...again.